Chapter 6

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The day that everyone was supposed to go to the mall together had arrived. Those available went but sadly Aria couldn't join. Coincidently Todoroki didn't join either.


As usual, Todoroki walked into the Hospital. He went ahead to visit his mother as he opened the door he saw her up. Her head was faced towards the open window which let in a very calm and gentle breeze. Todoroki stepped into the room closing the door behind him. They talked to one another for a while but it paused when she suddenly started coughing a lot.

    Todoroki was concerned and asked, "Do you need something? Want me to call the nurse?"

    "I'm fine," reassured his mother.

    Todoroki didn't believe her, so he stood up to at least fetch her a drink. As he walked out of the room he bumped into someone. He looked at the person and it was none other than Aria.

    "Aria?" asked Todoroki.

    "Todoroki? What are you doing here?" asked Aria a bit shocked.

    "I'm here for my mother. You're here because... ?"

    "I work here. My shift just ended, but before I leave I was asked to deliver some medicine to a patient which is your mother. I thought you were going to the mall with everyone else?" said Aria.

    "You're supposed to be somewhere else? With friends?" asked Todoroki's mother. She didn't mean to interrupt but she heard everything.

    "It's fine, mom. I'd rather be here," reassured Todoroki.

    "Todoroki, dear, that's very kind of you but you've been using all the free time you have just to be here with me. I love you and appreciate what you do very much but I want you to enjoy your time doing other stuff. Ok?"

    "Ok," replied Todoroki.

    "Great! Then once that lovely lady gives me my medicine you're going off with her!" said Todoroki's mother. She eagerly waved Aria in and swiftly got her medicine from her. She then pushed the pair out telling them to have some fun. Since they were told to go away they went together to the Kiyashi Ward Shopping Mall. It's a place with many shops than anywhere else in the prefecture. Once they arrived they went around together.

    "Oh, I almost forgot. This is a great opportunity to get something for the trip. Do you have everything you need?" asked Aria.

    "Yeah, I do," replied Todoroki.

    "Oh, I see," said Aria.

    "How about you?" asked Todoroki.

    "Oh, I've already got everything I need," answered Aria.

    As they were walking Aria spotted some food. She grabbed Todoroki's hand pulling him along. They were basically liked that throughout the day but as they were enjoying themselves they were hoping to come across some of their classmates. Unfortunately, they haven't spotted anyone. Even if they didn't see any of them their classmates surely saw the two. They were a bit shocked to see Todoroki and Aria together. Another shocking part was that they were holding hands. Everyone had seen it and were surprised. To the group, they seemed so comfortable, but actually, the two individuals hadn't realized it yet. When they did notice Aria apologized for her actions. To her, it had somewhat become a habit since she would usual babysit kids and she does have a little brother, so he had influenced her quite a bit.


Sorry for making this chapter short!

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