Chapter 4

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It's been about a few days now since Aria's transfer. She was doing just fine, getting along with everyone and doing great in all subjects. She's been informed that the class just returned from their workplace experience. Since she joined late she wasn't able to go through it or the sports festival.

"Aria, I need to speak with you for a moment," called Aizawa-sensei.

Aizawa walked out of the classroom and Aria followed. She wondered what her teacher might want to talk about.

"Yes?" asked Aira.

"You must be aware already that everyone just returned from their workplace experience. Before they left I had them pick a Hero name. Before the day ends I want to hear what you want to be called," said Aizawa-sensei.

Aria walked back inside the classroom to her seat. For most of the class, she was thinking about her Hero name while everyone was chatting among themselves on what they did during the workplace experience. As she was brainstorming she heard bits and pieces to what everyone did.

Suddenly All Might comes into the class telling them to change into their costumes and meet him outside. Everyone stood and started to walk to the change rooms. Aria was walking down the stairs with Uraraka at her side. As she was descending onto the new staircase someone passed her from behind pushing her which messed up her footing.

Aria prepared herself for the pain of the fall but it didn't come. She opened her eyes to find herself in the arms of Todoroki. Uraraka came rushing towards her side worried.

"I'm fine," reassured Aria.

Todoroki put her down and told her to be careful next time and walked off to the boys change room. Everyone separated into their respected change room after that. Once, changed they all head to the meeting spot outside. When everyone was present All Might began to talk.

"Right on the heels of all your workplace experience, this time we'll mix in an element of play. It's a rescue-training race!" declared All Might with his usual grin on his face.

"Shouldn't rescue training be carried at USJ?" questioned the class president, Iida.

All Might answered Iida saying that USJ is a place for disaster rescue. He began to explain what he meant when he said "rescue-training." What stood before them was playing ground Y its construction is like a complex labyrinth. All Might explained how the objective was to rescue him when he gives the distress signal they simultaneously start from outside the limits. It's a competition on who can come to his aid first.

Before telling who was going up first he reminded everyone to keep the damage to their surroundings to a minimum. The message was obviously directed to Bakugo for All Might was looking and pointing at him while saying it.

"Don't point fingers," muttered Bakugo looking away.

Aria couldn't help smiling for she knew how Bakugo was. His quirk was and called Explosion, after all.

"Starting group take your positions!" announced All Might.

The people in the first group are Sero, Ashido, Iida, Ojiro, and Midoriya.

Everyone who wasn't called went to a safe area with screens which led them to see the action that was happening. Once they were there they chatted about who they thought would win. As always Bakugo bets that Deku would be dead last. Aria didn't like how Bakugo assumed that. Aria soon was scolding him for it. Everyone was present and witnessed how Bakugo didn't really fight he did make a few comments trying to defend himself but it didn't last. It was quite an odd but amazing sight for those present to see.

The race soon started what was surprising was Midoriya. He was quick jumping around it even seemed like he was flying for a moment. Everyone was impressed in just one week he changed so much. Bakugo was shocked and soon thought how his workplace experience wasn't really beneficial. For Deku though, it was different he was progressing, moving up. As Midoriya was moving being as swift as possible he accidentally messed up his footing which made him fall down from the height he achieve putting him in last. Which brings Sero another competitor to first place. All Might congratulated everyone especially Sero for achieving first place he also reminded them.

Midoriya just realized that it was getting close to the end of the term already. They were all heading back to the rest of the class who were in the safe zone but before that, All Might whispered something to Midoriya which made him pause for a moment. At the waiting area, Aria was still watching the screens and caught that making her curious.

In the boys change room.

Deku was thinking about what All Might whispered to him. It was stuck in his mind. All Might seemed serious making him wonder even more what he could have meant. It made him feel anxious and scared.

"Yo Midoriya I made a freakin sick discovery! Come here!!" declared Mineta waving him over profusely. That small outburst of Mineta quickly snapped Midoriya out of his thoughts. Mineta was pointing to a small hole which he found behind a poster.

"Probably courtesy of our senpais!! You know what's on the other side, don't you!? The girls changing room!!" What he said caught some of the boy's attention. Iida went to him to cease what he was about to do at once. For peeping was a flagrant crime. Mineta was losing it he couldn't help put rip the poster off the wall position himself in front of the hole. While doing so his perverted mind took over which led him to spill out perverted comments off the girls on the other side. As he was about to look in, his eye quickly and swiftly got pierced by Jirou's earphone Jacks. Inflicting intense eye pain to Mineta's eye. The girls on the other side heard every perverted comment Mineta made which made them shiver with disgust.

Aria was now walking back to their classroom with Uraraka what shocked her was what Mineta said. It was quite a shocker for her. Now, she knows how he is so she'll remember to keep an eye on him and stay on her guard of course. She got to class now and was sitting in her seat. She noticed Deku isn't here knowing he's most likely with All Might which made her curious but it wasn't her business so she left it be. Deku returned in time before class started.

"Right, summer break is fast approaching but of course, it stands to reason none of you have enough leeway to just relax for thirty..."

Some students concluded in their minds thinking, "Could it be..."

"We'll be going to a summer break forest lodge," finished Aizawa-sensei.

As he finished some cheered yelling, "I knew it!"

Thinking that was all to the announcement they started talking about what they could do and what would happen like fireworks, food, the baths and so on.

But their teacher didn't completely finish, "However, should any of you fall short of a passing grade for the end term test then you're stuck in school, in remedial hell."

Some students then declared, "Let's do our best everybody!!" For they surely weren't doing so good with their grades. After the announcement and a quick review of stuff, the school was over.

Aria was getting her stuff and walking out heading to her dorm thinking about her grades. Aria was fine even if she registered late she took a quick test with Aizawa-sensei for it wasn't only about skill in combat but intelligence as well. When she got it back she got an excellent grade. So far her grades are equally as excellent.

Once she's in her room she started changing and reviewing all the subjects. It's good to study and review. Especially for her since she wasn't at school for long.

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