Chapter 7

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The next few days of school before summer break went by quickly. During those days Aria got to know Todoroki. They've become quite comfortable with each other as friends. Summer break arrived which brings in the first day of the forest lodge. Everyone gathered in front of the school with their bags for the Forest Lodge.

"Class A, our bus is here! Please line up in a single file line!" announced Iida.

Aria was quickly pulled by Uraraka and was soon in a seat on the bus right beside her. When everyone was in and settled the bus drove off. As it was driving Aizawa-sensei started saying a few things. No one listened they were all off into their own conversations. Aizawa stopped caring and just let it be. After an hour they had stopped. Everyone got out of the bus wondering where they were. All they saw were mountains. Some thought the stop was for a washroom break sadly it wasn't.

Than suddenly ...

"Lock on Target with our sparkly eyes!"

"While our cute, cute stingers sting!!"

"Wild, Wild, Pussy Cats!!" declared two ladies in unison. As soon as they jumped out and declared their presence they posed standing still.

"The pro heroes who'll look after you lot are the members of the Pussycats. Mandalay and Pixie-Bob" explained Aizawa-sensei. Midoriya was stoked about it. He started to ramble about them announcing how they specialize in mountain rescue.

Mandalay said that they owned the entire area they were in. She then pointed to them that the Lodge is at the base of a faraway mountain.

"Huh? But then why'd we stop halfway to getting there...?" asked Uraraka.

Chatter began to rise among everyone.

"Right now, it's 9:20 AM. If you make it early... you might get there around 12..." said Mandalay.

"All you kitties who don't reach the Lodge by 12:30 don't get any lunch!" continued Mandalay.

Hearing that announcing startled them making them run back towards the bus.

"Sorry, Kids. Your training camp has already begun," said Aizawa-sensei.

They were driven off the mountain by a huge wave of earth created by Pixie-bob. Now everyone was at the base of the mountain.

"You can use your quirks all you like on our private land! You have two hours! Within, that time, make it to the facility on your own two feet! And make it past... This forest of devil beasts!!" announced Mandalay.

Mineta ran off into the forest hoping to relieve himself of his juices. He seriously needed a release seeing that no washroom was in sight he ran off to do it old school style. As he was running a huge devil beast came out right in front of him. Kouda tried to calm the beasts down, for his quirk was being able to command animals but it wasn't working.

They all soon noticed that all the beast were made out of the earth. So without wasting any time they destroyed every beast they encountered.

5:20 PM

Pixie-bob grinned happily to see that the kitties finally made it back. Even if it was way past lunchtime. They were all dirty and tired. Some stopped and tried to catch their breath to even speak. Kirishima cried out in hunger. Sero asked if they were joking because it wasn't easy as it sounded. Two hours seemed like a funny joke to him.

"Our bad, for us, two hours is normal," said Mandalay.

"Anyways, my earth devil's got blitzed more easily than I'd expected. You were quite the cat's meow.... Especially... you four over there," pointed Pixie-bob at Iida, Midoriya, Bakugo and Todoroki. "Was it from experience, I wonder?" asked Pixie-bob.

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