Chapter 8

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It was 5:30 AM and class 1-A were all up and early.  Aria noticed some who were only half awake it must have been because of yesterdays events Aria thought. Aizawa also noticed, but he didn't want this to be an excuse from any of them. They had food, a bath, and sleep every basic need check. Hopefully, they are able to go through the first serious day of training and survive.

Aizawa didn't want to waste time he wanted to get training started as soon as possible. He quickly greeted everyone next to him Aria did so as well.

"Camp is truly starting today. The goal of your stay here is to toughen up enough to acquire a provisional license. Villain hostility is growing more concrete by the day, and this is to prepare you all to face off against it," explained Aizawa-sensei.

Aizawa glanced at Aria giving her the sign to start. Aria took a step up getting everyone close attention. She quickly threw a baseball at Bakugo. It was fast not many saw it but Bakugo caught it.

"What's the deal, Aria?" asked Bakugo.

"Nothing just wanted to see if you'd catch it or let it hit you. Anyways, pitch this ball as far as you can," said Aria.

Bakugo remembered he did the exact same thing during the start of the year for the physical test.

"I heard you scored 705.2 meters when you entered U.A. Let's see how much farther it'll be now," said Aria.

Bakugo was as smug and cocky as ever, "Just watch me. It'll go an entire kilometre now!!" Bakugo took his stand and started to mumble. "All right, ball, why dontcha just... GO TO HELL!!!" yelled Bakugo right as he threw the ball.

Aizawa-sensei pulled the screen up for everyone to see especially Bakugo. It illuminated the score of 709.6 meters.

"You guys gained all kinds of experience, and as a result, you've certainly grown. However, that only goes so far as your spirit and your technique. Next, we'll have to focus on developing your physical strength, stamina, and more. As you clearly saw, your quirks themselves haven't grown that much. That's why from today onward you're going to extend your quirks. It'll be so tough you'll feel like dying, but please try not too," explained Aizawa-sensei.

"Ok, everyone! Let's get started," said Aria.


"Improve on our quirks...?!"

"Class A already started, so let's get moving," said their teacher. Who was known as blood hero, Vlad King. "They stole the spotlight in the first semester, so the second semester's gonna be class B's time to shine. Got that? Not class A but us!"

"You say improve our quirks like it's nothing... but there's twenty of us, all with different quirks... How do we each go about doing this?" inputted a student.

"Can we get some details here?" asked another.

"Overusing your muscles ends up tearing the fibres, but then they recover and get thicker and stronger. Quirks are the same. They get stronger through continued use and weaker if they're underutilized. Which means there's only one thing you gotta do... SMASH PAST YOUR LIMITS!!" explained their teacher.

As soon as he said the last line class B was greeted with a scene of hell on earth. They saw class A going through intense training which basically was torture. They normally would be doing all this at the same rate their bodies grow, but there's not enough time for all that.

"How can you oversee all of us and our quirks?" asked a student.

"That's why we have these ladies," said Aizawa-sensei.

Aria [Boku no Hero Academia]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant