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Madison waited until the big ship came out of the sky to pick her up. She graciously kissed Paige's cold forehead before she was lifted out.

Madison was greeted by her sister, Mackenzie, who was crying. She wrapped her arms around her sister and hugged her for a long time. Even though she lost Hunter, Chloe, Asher, and Paige, she still tried her best to keep it together for Mackenzie. She lived in a victor house and had to train two new victims each year.

Nia's family was very disappointed in her for turning on her friends, but they did understand that she did what she had to do. Max was picked the following year, he was the thirteenth to die.

Kendall's mom knew it was all Kendall's fault, she shouldn't have volunteered, easy as that.

Chloe's sister, Clara, cried non stop for two months straight until she couldn't take the pain from being alone anymore; she soon committed suicide. Chloe's father turned into a drunk and died of an unexpected cancer three years later. There was no more lukasiak on earth.

Paige's sister, Brooke, stayed in her room for a few months, only coming out to eat or take a bath. Josh destroyed his whole room by punching and kicking the walls in. Her mother and father both were upset but were also proud of her for putting others before herself. This is the reason why they won't have districts in twenty years, they won't have the games anymore, all because of Paige's death. It will set Josh off on a mission. He doesn't know it yet, but Josh will destroy everything until he has control over everything. He doesn't know it yet but..... He will succeed.

The End

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