Till We Meet Again

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Lilly woke to the sound of her alarm blaring and sun pouring through the dark curtains. She reached to turn the alarm off, only to be pulled back by the weight of Dean's arm wrapped around her waist. She carefully lifted his arm and placed it on the bed before slamming the button down and throwing her feet over the side.

"What time is it?" Dean sleepily mumbled as his eyes slowly opened.

"6am," Lilly said with a soft sigh. "You should get some more sleep since you'll be on the road all night."

"Shut up," he mumbled as he wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her back into the bed. She let out a soft giggle as she turned her head to look into his green eyes. Lilly rested her head against Dean's chest as she took a deep breath and tried to memorize his smell. "You know, you can come with us."

"I wish it was that simple," her voice cracked as she spoke. "I have a responsibility here." Lilly tilted her head back slightly to look up at the man. Without hesitation, he placed a gentle kiss on her forehead.

"But I just got you back," he mumbled making Lilly question her decision to return the memories. Maybe it would be easier to say goodbye if they didn't remember her.

"Well, at least this time you know where to find me," she said with a fake laugh as she snuggled closer to him and gently closed her eyes again, attempting to memorize the feeling of being in his arms. The moment they shared was interrupted by a knock on the door. "That's probably Bailee, I'll be right back." With a sigh, Lilly stood from the bed, pulled on her robe that was draped over the vanity chair, and threw open the door. "Oh, hey Sam." With that, Dean jumped from the bed and began to get dressed. Sam bent down and gave Lilly a tight hug.

"I'm so sorry," he mumbled into her hair that covered her ears. She took a step back and away from him.

"Please don't be. You did what you thought was best at the time. I don't blame you and I never did," she said with a serious face.

"Did Rick really die from a heart attack?" Sam whispered. Lilly glanced back to see Dean fully dressed and ushered to Sam to come into the room. Once he did, she closed the door gently behind him and let out a deep breath. Sam's eyes quickly landed on Dean as a knowing smirk grew on his face.

"No. After my mom died, my dad started to take his anger out on some of the hunters that would stay here. He used dark magic to kill them. My mom raised me to protect others before myself so, when I figured out what he was doing, I had to stop it," she answered without making eye contact with the men.

"You killed him?" Sam asked, surprised, as Dean started tying his shoe laces. Dean shot Sam a look, begging him to stop asking questions.

"There was this one guy staying here at the time and him and I kinda had a close friendship. He was actually the person who convinced me to apply to Duke University. Anyway, my dad had placed a hex bag in his room and luckily, I found it before anything could happen. Well, my dad got pissed, we got into a fight that escalated quickly and I did what I had to do to protect everyone," she explained. Careful to leave out certain details that would raise more questions. Sam accepted the answer before giving Lilly another hug and excusing himself from the room. The door closed lightly behind him as Dean caught Lilly's gaze. She slowly walked closer to him as he threw his arms around her neck and pulled her close. They stayed in that position for a few lingering moments until Lilly finally stepped back. 

"I have to get ready. Bailee's going to be pissed," she chuckled, "please don't leave without saying goodbye."

"Of course not," Dean smiled down at her before leaning slightly and pushed his lips against hers. Once they pulled away from each other, Lilly smiled weakly before wandering into her bathroom as Dean showed himself out.

Lilly went through her usual daily routine, slipping on a cute but professional outfit and light makeup before walking out of her bathroom. She tied her wet hair into a bun as she noticed the toy dinosaur sitting on her dresser. Without a second thought, she grabbed the small figurine and slipped it into her jeans pocket and walked out of her bedroom door. She walked down the stairs and into the front lobby to see Bailee sitting at the check-in counter.

"You're late," Bailee said before clicking her tongue together and slightly shaking her head.

"Sorry B. I had something to deal with this morning," Lilly answered as a smile appeared on her face.

"I was doing your morning rounds and I saw that cute guy leaving your room. Somethin' you wanna tell me?" Bailee said with a mischievous smirk and a wink. Before Lilly could answer, she spotted the Winchester brothers walking down the stairs and towards the counter. "Oh la la," Bailee teased quietly from behind her. Lilly playfully slapped her shoulder as Sam and Dean stopped at the counter. Her smile dropped from her face as she remembered that the men were leaving.

"You sure you don't wanna come?" Dean asked hopefully.

"I want to, but I can't," she said as she bit her bottom lip. "Oh, here," she pulled the toy from her pocket and handed it to Dean. He shot a confused glance, causing her to giggle. "Maybe this time you won't forget me," she joked. "I am expecting it back at some point though." Dean grabbed the toy from her hand with a smile and slid it into his pocket.

"Next time," he said as he lightly nodded his head.

"Next time," Lilly agreed. Dean leaned over the counter and gently kissed her before pulling away and smiling. Sam cleared his throat, reminding the two that he was still standing there.

"Bye Lil," Sam said as he placed a firm hand on her shoulder.

"Bye Sammy," Lilly said with a smile. "Bye Dino," her smile fell slightly. The men reluctantly turned from her and walked out the front doors and to their classic car.

"Okay, so, one, what the hell did I miss? And two, is the tall one available?" Bailee laughed.

"Oh B. It's a long story, you should probably sit down," Lilly said with a chuckle as Bailee sat in the computer chair and Lilly started to tell her the whole story. As she spoke, she felt the same sadness she's had since she was 17, the feeling of loosing her best friends, again.

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