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Walking to school I stop in my tracks. This morning I had woken up actually excited about the game tonight until I remembered one major thing, I'm still grounded. It would be impossible for me to convince my dad to let me go to the game on a good day let alone when I'm grounded for sneaking out. My journey to school was spent trying to figure out a plan around it but nothing I came up with could work. My dad doesn't leave for work until at least ten thirty on a usual day, by then the game would be over.

When I finally arrive at school I head straight to Nella. If I couldn't think of something surely she could. She is the queen of cunning , she's destined to come up with a brilliant plan.

I spot Nella standing with the rest of our group of friends talking to Zoey, frankly I don't like Zoey on a on a good day let alone on a day I am in the middle of a crisis, so I don't feel bad about what I do next.

Not even bothering to say a single word, I grip Nella's arm and tug her away. At first she put up a fight but when she turned her head to see who was pulling her away she relaxed and allowed me to steal her shouting to Zoey that she was so terribly sorry but clearly there is an emergency. I know every word she uttered is bullshit and that she was grateful for me pulling her away just by the tone of voice she uses. Isn't it amazing how I know my best friend better than anybody else.

When we are far enough in a corner towards the back of the building I let go of Nella.

"Thank yoy my little saviour, I owe you one!" She chuckled as she brushed he fingers through her newly dyed blonde hair. She always kept her naturally brown her blonde for as long as I can remember, except for the roots that she leaves natural but every time the roots grow too much she takes a trip to the hairdressers to re-dye it. "She wouldn't stop blabbing on about Ryan." She rolled her eyes. Everyone knows Zoey has a crush on Ryan but she never tries which makes it so annoying. I'm sure she even write fanfictions about the poor guy, even though he isn't famous.

"Great you can repay me right now!" I exclaim causing Nella to give me a suspicious frown in response. Immediately I tell her about my realisation this morning causing her to squint her eyes and bite down on her lip, a habit she has when she is trying to come up with an idea.

The bell rings causing us both to begin walking towards homeroom.

"Leave it to me." She says before hurrying away in the opposite direction. I contemplate on following her but then decide that the last thing I need right now is for the school to call my dad letting him know I skipped a class.

Once I'm in my seat I pull my phone out and text Nella asking her what she was doing but of course she doesn't respond. Instead I sit silently in class while my mind fills with worst case scenarios causing me to freak out multiple times.


"Where have you been? I've been looking everywhere for you." I cry out in relief when I spot Nella talking with Candice Felt, head cheerleader, laughing about something as if they were life long friends.

They once were friends in primary school, best friends actually until Nella ditched Candice for me. Now they very rarely spoke and seeing them like this was weird. Maybe I was worried for a second that Nella might suddenly leave me for Candice again or maybe it's the stress I've built up inside me for half the day but I felt uncomfortable at the sight.

"See you later, you too Naz." Candice waves before walking away with another one of her friends from the cheerleading squad. I fake a smile at her before turning my attention to my best friend who was acting like nothing had happened.

"That was weird." I retort hoping for an explanation but not wanting to sound eager for one like I cared. Maybe deep down I was just scared and insecure.

Although Nella had her flaws she is my best friend, the only person who has stood by my side. I would be lying if I didn't say after ten years of being friends I was scared she would drop me as quickly as she became my friend. It's senior year, in a few months we will be out of this place and won't see each other every single day anymore. What if that puts a strain in our friendship?

I shake the thought from my mind, right now I have bigger problems.

"I know." Nella snorted which put me at ease. "The lengths I go to for you." She teases pinching my cheeks before she unlocks her locker. Although I'm annoyed that she pinched my cheeks I'm flattered that she considered going through that punishment for me.

"For me?" I quiz curious as to what talking to Candice Felt had to do with me. I don't think Candice and I have ever spoken, I was always scared that she would rip my head off for stealing her best friend even though she is known to be rather nice to a fault.

"Yes, I told you I wouldn't take care of it didn't I? And I did just that." She grins broadly at be before turning her attention back to her locker. "I hope this fits you." She reached her hand into her locker and pulled out a cheerleading uniform causing my eyes to widen in horror. She pressed it against my body as if examining how it would fit me. "Your butt might hang out but who doesn't love that booty." She snickered her hand moving to my butt causing my eyes to widen and push her hand away.

Laughing in surprise I look around making sure that no one saw and thought we were weird. It was the way Nella and I joked around and we were both used to it by now but I highly doubt that type of behaviour was considered okay on school grounds.

"There is no way I'm wearing that." I scoff as Nella throws it back into her locker. Not only would my dad kill me if he found me wearing something like this but I don't know how to be a cheerleader. I would be hopeless at it. First of all they need to have pep and be good at doing flips, I'm the most antisocial person I know and the best flip I can do is flipping my middle finger.

"You have to if you want to go to the game tonight, besides Jakob will love seeing you in his teams colours." She taunts causing me to hit her arm. She laughed in response glad that she had gotten a reaction out of me.

"And how am I going to go to this game tonight?" I wonder bitterly, the fact that I'm grounded is still a problem.

"You're grounded that means no fun, lucky for you your volunteering to raise money for the little leagues club, which is no fun." Nell explains her plan and I have to admit it is a pretty decent plan. The club that supports and funds the little leagues football and soccer teams has run out of money in their budget so groups from different schools are raising money for them.

Candice  had signed up her cheer squad to volunteer to raise money which would explain the uniforms. They were representing the school and their team while they did good deeds. I heard that they did stupid little things for money like a car wash- which flopped because it's twenty-eighteen and you can get your car washed pretty much anywhere- bake sales, and even planing a carnival. It was a little over the top but hey it would get me out to the game so why not, even if I had to wear a cheerleading uniform.

"Don't worry I'll be there too. I think this will look good on my legs."

I had completely forgotten that Nella had told Jakob she was coming as well, now I'm kind of glad she invited herself. The game will probably go on forever at least I will have her by my side to keep me company and no doubt entertain me to a max. Nella has a habit of someone getting into the weirdest situations, and as her best friend I'm always right beside her cheering her on.

"I don't even know the first thing about being a cheerleader." I whine as I lean against the lockers behind me. This is going to be such an effort, all to go see a stupid soccer game. The things I do for people.

"You just have to be cheery and full of pep." I give Nella a knowing look causing her to laugh. "Basically be the exact opposite of yourself." She give me a reassuring squeeze on the shoulder causing me to roll my eyes and shake my head. Why did I go to Nella of all people?

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