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Daddy changed Harry into a bright green onesie that kind of matched Harry's eyes. He also knew that it was going to be cold as usual in the dungeons, so he wrapped Harry up in a black cloak, making sure to slip a dummy inside one of the pockets. Daddy bent down to pick Harry up. Harry shook his head.

"You don't want me to carry you today?" Daddy asked. Harry shook his head again. He didn't want any more reasons to be laughed at. Daddy shrugged and bent down again, this time for Harry's hand. Harry took Severus's hand and walked to the great hall. There were several kids and teachers already in the hall, but Malfoy and Ron and Hermione weren't one of them. Harry sighed in relief, he had been worried. Daddy walked Harry over to the staff's table and seated Harry in his lap.

"Do you want the cheerios or something else?" Daddy asked kindly. Harry pointed at a large bowl of porridge. Daddy scooped some out and set it in a much smaller bowl which sat in front of Harry. Harry tried to feed himself, but his fingers still weren't completely cooperating. 

"Let daddy do it, baby," Daddy whispered as he picked up the spoon. He then began to feed Harry. Harry kicked his legs as he ate. More kids were entering the great hall. Including Ron and Hermione. They both sat down and occasionally shot glances over at Harry, who did his best to avoid them. Once Harry had finished, daddy spoke.

"Come on. Let's go say hi," daddy said gently. Harry shook his head and burrowed himself into the fold of his daddy's cloak. Daddy stood up and brought Harry over to the dreaded Gryffindor table. Harry felt Daddy sit down. Harry whined and ducked his head. He did not want to do this.

"Harry, did the death eater do that to you?" Hermione asked quietly, her voice full of concern. Harry slowly brought his head from daddy's cloak. He nodded. 

"Is he still like an adult?" Hermione asked quietly to Severus. Harry glared. He could still hear them.

"Yes, sometimes. He kind of goes back and forth," Daddy whispered back. Harry rolled his eyes. People could be dummies sometimes. (Get it???!)

"Daddy, les go back," Harry whined. He was getting restless and he didn't want to be seeing his best friends in his condition.

"Harry, you're fine," Daddy replied. Harry grumbled. He asked daddy two more times and Severus still replied the same answer both times, and then he did something that he never thought he would do. He hit daddy. There were a couple of moments of silence between the group. 

"Alright, we're going." Daddy scooped a squirming Harry up and walked back to his quarters. He set Harry on the floor and stood a couple feet away. Harry shuffled his feet nervously.

"Harry, you have my undivided attention. That's why you hit me, right? To get my attention. Well, now you have it. What in the world do you want?" Daddy asked with a dangerously quiet voice. Harry felt a fear build up in his chest. What was he going to do? 

"S-sorry daddy?" Harry said, really unsure of what he was supposed to say in this kind of situation.

"Harry, I was trying to help you. You obviously did not appreciate that. Now, as much as I don't want to, I am going to have to spank you. You need to understand that hitting daddy is wrong."

"Bu- I do!" Harry wailed, tears coming to his eyes. Daddy just looked sadly at him.

"I think you are sorry that I am angry, I don't think that you are sorry for your actions. Please correct me if I am wrong," Daddy waited. Harry shuffled his feet again. The more he thought about it, the more he knew that he wasn't sincerely sorry. Daddy conjured up an armless chair. 

"Over my lap." Harry shook his head. Severus raised his eyebrows. Harry grumbled and stumbled over to Severus. He bent over him. Daddy then unbuttoned Harry's onesie and untaped the nappy. Severus  sighed. He then began to spank Harry, his hand coming down hard and fast on Harry's bare bum. Harry started off brave. He was a Gryffindor, he could handle it, but the spanking was long and awful. Harry fought and kicked, whimpered, and then he fell limp in Severus's lap and just sobbed. His daddy finally stopped. Harry was now screaming and crying. He had forgotten how truly painful spankings were. He felt daddy rub his sweaty back. 

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