Chapter 1 Pain

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Shelbys POV
I woke up in pain a lot of....pain I was in Tyler's guest room in a ball on the ground im........pathetic.i couldn't move.

--time skip 5mins--

After 5mins I get enough strength to get up I walk over to the dresser where my purse is I get my purse and look in the mirror. Not bad but my foot hurts like hell. I walk down the stairs quietly but Tyler doesn't seem to be here. Shit if I care! I don't know why he dose this to me. It's no good, he cheated on me multiple times and he hurts me any chance he gets. I must break up with him. He treats me like shit and I don't deserve it. But first I'm going to go to the hospital I'll walk because its really close, closer than I thought. I signed in and waited for my name to be called

--time skip till Shelby gets called--

"Shelby Grace" a lady says opening a door. I stand up "Yes?"i ask "Were ready for you sweetie" I walk over to the door she opened. They had me lay on one of those operation tables and they took x-rays on my foot. It's broken. Because on freaking Tyler. I know it was him. I got a boot and crutches and they told me to come back in 2 days to get a cast, I payed and crutched home, it was a little quicker. I got home and looked at my foot and started crying but then I got a text from Ross, my cousin, he lives in Washington what dose he want?

Ross- Hey shelbs long time no speak☺
Shelby- Hey Ross what's up????
Ross- Ummm
Shelby- Spill it
Ross- Why is this hard it shouldn't be?
Shelby- What??
Ross- You should move to Washington we can do a lot of cool stuff. Ohhhhhh and you can see Max and Jess again. If you want you could work at skymedia you can have your own office. Maybe even live with me Max and Jess its been awhile since we have talked In person!🤗🤗🤗
Shelby- Wow...
Ross- So your coming!!!
Ross- Oh I see... sorry you don't have to come....
Shelby- Omg You doof of course I'm coming!!!🙄🙄
Ross- Really!
Shelby- You sound like a little kid!🤣 Yes Really!!😂
Ross- when you coming?
Shelby- How about in a week sound good?
Ross- Yes sound great! Sorry talk to you later I have a meeting to go to!
Shelby- K, Bye😟
Ross- bye

Well guess I'm moving to Washington...Thank you Ross! I can get away from Tyler. best day ever! But I still have to break up with him I don't know how but.......when I run he always finds me its scary.

I decided to shop on Amazon for 1 hour then go to sleep.
Questions were running through my head.
How will Tyler react?
Will he hit me?
Will he cheat on me again?
Will he find me?
But one mostly this one came up
Who's Max?

Authors Note
I wrote a book called Love Is Magic and it's going to be the same as this book because it wouldnt let me update that book anymore so the first 2 chapters are going to be based off the love is magic shelax. Also I'm not good at writing so don't hate not doing this for approval just for fun!😃😃😃

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