Chapter 7 Secrets

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Max's POV

"Max....Truth or Dare??" She asked smerking at Shelby "Ummm, Dare" Shelby started blushing. Jess laughed "I dare you to kiss Shelby" she said smerking i blushed along with Shelby I walked over to her and kissed her. After I go sit back down and spin the bottle it lands on........Ross "Ross...Truth or Dare??" I asked "Dare" he said "I dare you to kiss Liz" he walked over to Liz and kissed her then walked back Liz was blushing bright red Ross spun the bottle it landed on........Amber
"Ok Amber truth or dare?" He asked "Dare" she said " Ok lets keep going with the theme... I dare you to kiss Corey" she kissed him then went back to her spot she spun the bottle it landed on....Barney... "Barney Truth or dare" she asked "Dares!" He yelled "Ok I dare you to kiss Red!" She said smiling they kissed. Barney lands on Em.. "Em...Truths or Dares??" He asked "dare!" She said way too excited "I dares you tos kiss Tim"she dose it and sits there "Mabye we should watch a movie?" Everyone agreed "Ok everyone sit next to who you kissed or who kissed you" Jess said Corey sat next to Shelby and Amber sat next to me. "Scary Movie!!" Everyone yelled except Shelby "Shelby???" Jess said "Umm sure!" She said scared "it's ok you have me.." Corey said, she blushed and quickly  got up and crutched over to the stairs and went up to her room. Jess, Em and Liz went after her while Amber was still on my arm...

Shelbys POV

I heard the girls run up after me I Locked the door and they started banging so I let them in and then quickly closed and locked the door.
"What was that about!?!?!" Liz yelled. I turned my head "Do I need to get Max again!?!?!" She yelled I rolled my eyes "he's having fun with Amber anyway.." I say turning away "Oh so this is about..Freaking Max!" Em said "Umm...i...No,!" I said "He's happy without me.... I don't know why  I moved here im useless...." they hug me when i say that "we won't let that jerk Max get in your way" Em said laughing "Now lets get to the scary movie!" Jess exclaimed "umm..." I say "You can sit with me Adam doesn't care!" Jess said "Thanks" I say as we walk back downstairs but Jess takes me to the kitchen "are you sure your ok?" She asked worried  I nodded "Ok so help me bring the beers back" she said getting the beers out of the fridge I take some and crutch back over along side Jess we place them on the the table and sit on the floor and someone turns on a scary movie. And I get scared right away and everyone laughs except Max and Amber...Wow...No forget him i-i mean them f-forget them me and Jess had fun. They don't care for me so I don't care for them easy as that...

We drank a lot of beer we where supper drunk. And being drunk with your crush isn't good. I don't rember anything except Max he carried me to my bed. He's the only one that looked sobre he layed me on my bed and left.. I think...

Jesse's POV

That was a great night...except....Corey and Shelby got really close.... like really close...I mean they were drunk but something happened...Corey kissed her....
Was that his plan... to get with her when we were all drunk.... something else happened when Corey kissed Shelby....Max got mad.. like really mad....I think he was jealous.. damn it! Stupid Corey if I see you lay one more finger on Shelby you'll.....never see the last of me....

I woke up in a bed naked!!! What was going on I'm so confused I put on clothes then went to the bathroom I through up...must have been from all that beer I had last night...but that doesn't explain why I'm naked it makes no ran downstairs to see Shelby on the couch with Ross.
"SHELBY!!" I yell "KITCHEN NOW" I yell again. She gets up confused and walks to the kitchen.. "What's up" she asked "i need you to come with me to go to a drug store" I said quickly "why? Oh and just to remind you....Crutches" she said Ponting at her cast "I know..but your my best friend and I need you!" I quietly yelled
"Why?" She asked "I think im....pregnant" I said back.....

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