Relax Princess (Pt.1)

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It was a warm Saturday night in Los Angeles. The city was always so much more alive on Saturdays. Everyone was out having fun with friends. I'm one of the only people that stay home. I used to go out and have fun all the time, but I just recently went through a break up with my boyfriend, or ex, Matthew Espinosa, and it was not pretty. Ever since then I've been stuck in my house eating take out Chinese and watching all of the shows on netflix that I've seen a million times. My best friend Sam has been here for me through this whole thing, she's an amazing friend and I love her so much. Shes been trying to get me out of the house for weeks with no success, but this night was different.

Sam had come to my house already ready and dressed up. She somehow knew she would be able to convince me to go out. "Come on Y/N, you can't just stay in this apartment in your giant sweat pants your whole life!" Sam says. She was being extra persistent tonight, most likely because I've been this apartment for over 3 weeks only leaving to go to work or get food. "It's time you get over this dumb guy and go out!" "But I don't want to go out Sam. Let's just stay in and watch Netflix" I plead. "All you've been doing is watching Netflix! Now get up, get dressed, and get out there and show Matt what he's missing!" she says, convincing me. "Ugghhh. Fine! But you're helping me get ready." I say. "Gladly" she responds with a smile.

I head to my closet and Sam follows behind. I start rummaging through my clothes trying to find something to wear. "I literally have nothing to wear." I say frustrated. Sam gasps and pulls out a black bodycon dress and holds it up. "No. I haven't worn that dress since freshman year of college and it's way too tight" I say. "That's the point. Come on Y/N, you have the body for it and this dress will make your butt look even bigger than it already is." she replies and laughs. I giggle and lightly hit her arm "Hey! My butt is not that big!" She continues to laugh and she holds the dress out to me waving it. "Just give me the dress" I say giving in. I make Sam leave my room and I slip the dress on and look in the mirror. I have to admit, I looked amazing. The dress fit my curves perfectly and I haven't seen myself like this in a while.

       I walk out of my room and Sam looks at me

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       I walk out of my room and Sam looks at me. She starts to jump up and down clapping her hands making me laugh. "You look hot! Fuck it up! Give me a twirl!" she yells. I giggle and spin around while Sam cheers me on. "Okay hurry up, get in the bathroom so I can do your hair and makeup." she says and pushes me into the bathroom. I put the lid of the toilet down and sit. Sam then frantically gathers all of the supplies she needs and gets to work. She curls my hair and "beats my face to the gods" as she said. I look in the mirror and I looked beautiful. I couldn't believe it was really me; I was so used to not having any makeup on at all and keeping my hair in a messy bun. "Oh my god... I look amazing!" I say and hug my best friend. "I know right. Now go put your shoes on and lets go!" I leave to my room to find shoes to match my outfit.

 Now go put your shoes on and lets go!" I leave to my room to find shoes to match my outfit

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       I picked out simple black pumps and grabbed a small black purse that would just fit the things I need

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       I picked out simple black pumps and grabbed a small black purse that would just fit the things I need. I looked at myself one more time and Sam practically yanked me out of the door. "Slow down! I'm wearing heals!" I yell. Sam giggles, "I'm sorry. I'm just so excited that your finally leaving the house." I lightly laugh and think about what the night has in store for me. Should I really have left the house?

Smut is coming😂 Would you have stayed home or went out? Thank you for reading! More chapters to come! Hope you guys enjoyed💕


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