Relax Princess (Pt.3)

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Despite feeling as good as I felt with the small amount of alcohol running through my body, I was still hesitant to get out of the car. I feared that if I took one look at him all of these emotions would come back; I would remember everything he did and I would either want to kill him or cry (maybe even both). Was I really ready for this? Sam payed the uber driver and I slowly got out of the car and walked up to the driveway. I refuse to walk up to the house with Sam as she grabs my hand and tries to lead me to the front porch. "I'm not ready for this... I'm not ready to see his face again.. We should just go home.." I say, defeated. "No Y/N.. No matter how hurt you are, you have to go in there and show him that you are doing great without him. You need to show him how good you look in this dress and how many guys at his party would agree. You can't let him have power over your life or your emotions anymore! Go show him that you don't need him." Sam passionately spoke. Thats pretty much all it took; I swear this girl could convince me to do anything with a pep talk. "Fine, but can we smoke this blunt first?" I ask. I never leave the house without one rolled and ready. Sam nods her head and we both sit down on the curb and smoke. Once the blunt was gone it was time to actually go into the party. My mind was more at ease and I was finally ready, so Sam and I walked up the driveway, onto the porch, and into the house.
I walk in and I see what has to be hundreds of people. Matts house was always the party house. As soon as I get into the house my old friend Cameron runs up and hugs me so tight I could barely breathe. "OH MY GOD Y/N I HAVEN'T SEEN YOU IN LIKE A MILLION YEARS!" he yells with excitement. I giggle. "I missed you too Cam." I say as we both pull away from each other. "Why don't you ever come around any more sis?" My eyes fall to the floor as I remember the events that took place the night of mine and Matt's break up...
I had just touched down from my flight to L.A. and I was so excited to see Matt. I had been gone for 6 months backpacking in Italy, but even though going to Italy was my dream, I had to come home to him. He was my home... Cam picked me up from the airport and took me home to drop off my stuff and get my car. I wasn't worried about anything other than getting to the love of my life. I threw everything I had down as soon as I walked through the door and rushed to my car. I hopped in and put the playlist I had made for me and Matt on and made my way to his house. Throughout the whole drive I was getting more and more excited as I got closer to his house. Eventually, I get to his street and start to pull up to the house when I notice an unfamiliar car in the driveway. Confused, I make my way up to the porch. I hadn't told Matt that I was back yet because I wanted to suprise him. Little did I know that I would walk into something that would completely break me.
Matt and I were at the point in our relationship where he and I were comfortable enough giving each other keys to our houses. I quietly stick my key in the lock and open the door. I tip toe upstairs towards his room trying to be as quiet as possible, when I hear what sounds like moaning coming from his room. At first I thought it was just him but then I quickly realized I heard a female too. Praying that I was just hearing things I barge into Matts bedroom. I walk into Matt on top of another girl. He quickly gets up and puts on some pants while the girl in his bed was trying to cover up. "Matt.. Who-" I start but he cuts me off. "Y/N.. I'm so sorry. I can explain." I just stood there silent, tears starting to stream down my face. I just run back down stairs and out the front door without looking back. Matt is chasing after me and I hear him yell "Y/N wait please!" He grabs me by the wrist as I'm storming to my car. "I'm so sorry" he pleads. I turn to face him, yanking my hand out of his. "HOW COULD YOU?" I yell, now sobbing. He remains silent. "I'VE NEVER DONE ANYTHING BUT LOVE AND CARE FOR YOU. YOU WERE MY WORLD MATT. WAS EVERYTHING YOU SAID JUST A LIE?" He still hasn't spoken a word. "You have no idea how much this hurt me. Fuck you Im done." I get in my car and speed off. That's the last time I saw Matt.
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Ummm.. Hi? I know I've been gone for a while and you guys have been waiting a long time for this and I'm sorry. But here it is! The third chapter I hope you enjoyed. Thank you for reading💗


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