Relax Princess (Pt.2)

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"So where are we going?" I ask. "To a party." Sam responds. At that point I start to get a little nervous. The Uber that Sam had called earlier had just pulled up and we hopped inside. I thought "Okay, now she has to say where we're going" but just as I finished the thought she asks the driver if he has pen. She scribbles the address on a small piece of paper and hands it to him. "So I'm not allowed to know who's party we're going to?" I question her. "Nope." she responds, "Not until we get there." I could feel the anxiety building up inside me as I'm asking a million questons in my head about where we're going and whos going to be there.

I think Sam could see the worry on my face because she puts her hand on my shoulder and says "Don't freak out. Everythings gonna be okay. We're gonna go out, get drunk, and have a good time, alright?" We both laugh lightly and Sam turns her attention to the Uber driver. "Excuse me? Do you happen to have an aux cord?" she asks politely, "We could use some music to get our night started." He responds with a simple "Of course" and hands Sam one end of the aux cord and plugs the other in. She plugs her phone in and starts paying all of the throwback music we love. As we sing and dance in our seats, Sam grabs her purse and pulls out two shooters of fireball. "Heres our little pregame before we get there." she says and hands me one of the shooters.
        We cheers each other and both down the mini bottles; the familliar burn feels amazing. I can already feel a slight tingle in my head and my body starting to get warmer. "I shouldn't have drank that so fast," I say and giggle, "I haven't drank in so long and I'm already starting to feel it." She laughs at me and looks out the window. "Good, because you're gonna want to be a little tipsy once you find out where we're going" she says giggling.
       "What?" I say, my anxiety building up again despite the alcohol. I look out the window and recognize the neighborhood. "You're taking me to Matt's house?!" I ask with anger, "Why didn't you tell me?!" She responds saying, "Because I knew you would have never came if I told you. You need to show up looking as good as you are right now and show Matt what he's missing! Plus I heard that there are gonna be so many cute guys there. It's time for you to get back in the scene Y/N!" That was almost enough to convince me but if I was going to go I needed at least one more drink to loosen up. So I ask Sam, "Hey do you have anymore alcohol? I need another drink."
She looks up and smiles. "That's my girl" she says and digs through her purse, "In fact, I have a shooter of crown right here." She pulls it out of her purse and hands it to me. She counts down from 3 and I take the whole shooter in what felt like one second. I was feeling loose and light by the time we pulled up the the familiar house. All I was thinking about is what this night had in store for me.
I'm soooo sorry it took me so long to update. How are you guys liking the story so far? What do you think will happen at Matt's house?🤔More chapters are coming!😁Thanks for reading💕


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