Secret wantings

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"What am I going to wear to go back to sleep in? I don't want to stay in these clothes." Mitch asked Scott, but he was distracted. Too busy staring at Mitch. "Scotty? Anyone home?"

He waved his hand in front of the blonde's face a few times until he blinked out of his trance.

"Huh? Oh, sorry. I was thinking about someone. Mitch can I ask you something?" 

"Sure. Anything."

 "Would you ever date someone for their money?" Scott asked cautiously, not knowing how Mitch would take that question.

The younger man tilted his head in confusion. "Um, no. What kind of question is that? I would date someone because they are sweet, confident, and caring. They would have to be able to make me feel something no one else could when I'm around them." Mitch stopped talking before he might have eventually revealed to Scott that his words were referring to him.

"Thanks for answering my bizarre question. If you need clothes, that walk-in closet over there should have everything and it should all fit you too."

Instead of moving and getting off the other side of the bed, Mitch climbed over Scott's lap making it seem innocent, but he knew exactly what he was doing. He walked over, pushing the closet doors apart and looked through everything, admiring the outfits and shoes.

"Why do you have all of this? It's brand new too." He called out, running his fingers over some of the fabrics as he walked around. He grabbed pajamas and changed while waiting for a response. Mitch walked back when he didn't get a reply and peeked his head out of the closet with a raised brow, slipping a shirt on. "Y'gonna answer me?"

"Sit." Scott laid down on the bed and patted the space next to him. Mitch obeyed, dropping his clothes in a hamper as he went, and sat next to him, looking down at the gorgeous man as he spoke.

Scott went into detail about his last relationship. He had dated a guy that actually resembled Mitch but was nothing compared to him. His ex was a gold digger. He used Scott's money to buy any and everything. All un-needed, too. Then up and left when he was done with him. Maybe it was for the better though.

That guy never made Scott's heart jump by looking at him the way it jumps when Mitch is just around him. His eyes didn't make Scott instantly fall in love with him the way the brunette man's beside him did. Nor did his touch leave what felt like flames in it's path the way Mitch's seem to.

"Oh, Scott. Whoever that guy was didn't deserve you. You're too amazing to have had to even go through that. I'm sorry." He paused with a sad look before his face lit up some, "Look on the bright side though. You might have never met me if you were still with him." He smiled adorably making Scott's mind fuzz.

"Um, I don't think that's the definition of a bright side. You're quite a sassy pain in my ass."

"How rude!" Mitch gasped dramatically and placed his hand over his heart. He moved from Scott's side and went out to the balcony looking out into space with his arms crossed over his chest. Scott rolled his eyes and went out after him.


Mitch's P.O.V.

I left the room to show Scott I didn't appreciate his little joke. I soon felt strong arms wrap around my body tightly and I almost immediately leaned into his touch, but I stopped myself. Scott moved to whisper into my ear softly, making me shiver so I rubbed my arms in a false attemp to warm myself, hoping he'd think I shook from the cold.

"I'm sorry Mitchie. I know you're sensitive. Forgive me?"

It took all my strength to keep the whole 'No, I'm mad at you' charade going and pull away from him but I managed. I huffed stubbornly, stomped to the chairs at the end of the balcony, and plopped in one, sitting with my back towards him. I did so until started to hear little whimpers from the seat beside me.

"Mitchy, I promise I-I was joking. Pl-please for-g-give me." Guilt filled me at the sight of his tears and I went over to his side trying to make it better.

"Scott, I was faking. I could never stay mad at you. I was pretending, ok?" I shook his shoulder lightly

He didn't respond with words, but I heard him stiffle a laugh. At that moment, he turned around, scooped me up, carried me inside, and threw me on the bed. I hate to say it but was turned on by his roughness but what he did next made me want to slap him.

"Scott? Scott, NO!" He climbed on top of me and started tickling me non-stop.

I was squealing like a child, begging him to stop. He made me beg him to stop. Do you know how bad I wish I would have been begging for something else? Anyway, after finally settling down and talking for awhile, I accidentally fell asleep.


   In the morning, Mitch had awoken at 10a.m to find himself in the guest bedroom.  That disappointed him a bit. He figured Scott really did only think of him as a friend. Otherwise he would have laid beside him in his bed.

"Maybe he thinks I'm not interested in him? I don't know to be more obvious,' he thought.

Mitch eventually rolled out of bed, brushed his teeth and went downstairs to see that Sophia was in fact back and was making fresh orange juice. He decided to help by making chocolate chip pancakes. Sophia handled making hashbrowns and bacon. 

 As she and Mitch ate, he was happy to hear more about how sweet Scott is when no one was around which confused him because Scott was always sweet. Maybe that was just for him. 

Scott joined them a few minutes later, dressed in a muscle shirt and basketball shorts. Mitch somewhat avoided gawking him and said he was going to take a shower. Scott nodded his head and Sophia took Mitch's plate for him.

When Mitch got out of the guest room shower, he realized he had forgot to grab clothes from Scott's closet to change into. So, he wrapped a towel securely around his waist and went into Scott's room. The door was already opened so he walked directly into the closet and found a cute shirt.

Mitch noticed something behind him in one of the closet's mirrors when he turned to retrieve a pair of pants; Scott sitting on his bed staring, mouth slightly open. Mitch smiled on the inside and pretended to not see him at first. He dropped the shirt he'd found and slowly bent down, watching Scott's eyes lower themselves to his ass in the mirror.

"How's the view Scooter?" He asked, turning to look at him. Scott even didn't try to play off the fact that he was staring.

"From where I'm standing it's actually quite breath taking, but get dressed and invite Kirstie over. I'm going to take y'all some where with me."

"Um, okay?" He said a little caught off guard then smirked, "You know, you should really stop demanding me to do things all the time."

"Oh whatever. You like me taking charge. Now, go get dressed."

Mitch forced laughed and left to get dressed. He did kind of like it.

'Scott did not called me gorgeous and did not not deny checking me out. I need to control myself. He was probably just being his friendly and sweet self', he thought as he was dressing.

 When he was done, he called Kirstie like Scott told him and provided her with the same amount of details he had about where they were going. None.

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