Caught up

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*Sorry for any mistakes you guys*

Once Scott was out of his shower, he put on his night-wear and headed down stairs. Mitch and Kirstie were gone like he'd suspected so he just sat in the living room, staring at the big flat screen, but he wasn't actually watching it. Scott tried desperately to distract himself, but images of Mitch with Shane, kissing Shane, Shane touching him, kept worming their way back to him.

Sophia came into the room once she had finished cleaning and sat on the couch next to him, clicking off the television off. She folded her arms and let out an emotionless chuckle when Scott grumbled.

"What?" Scott questioned with his eyes closed. Sophia turned her body a bit to face him and placed her hand over his knee before speaking.

"It's just– and don't take this wrong– you held on to that no good ex of yours for so long and now that you've found someone amazing you won't even take a chance?"

"I know...but he's not interested in me. Here's your monthly pay." He lifted off the couch enough to pull a stack of bills from his back pocket and handed it to her.

"I highly doubt that and," she paused to hit his shoulder playfully, "I told you to stop paying me so much, kid. I promised your mother, before she passed to always look after you. I only need enough money to pay my bills."

"I know that too but I want you to keep it for putting up with me, I guess. I'm going to sleep away this mood eventually. Night Soph'." He was on the verge of crying at the reminder of his mother, or lack of. He knew Sophie hadn't meant to bring up the bad memory on purpose, it was bad for her too.

"Goodnight, Honey."

Sophia kissed him on his forehead then headed out to the front door to her own home. Scott waited a while then went up to his room and broke down. He wanted to call Mitch and Kristie but they were out probably having fun so he just went out to balcony and cried. When tears could no longer fall, he just sat there waiting hours until the sun would come up.

He was tough but it could only last for so long before he needed someone to carry some of the weight that rested on his heart.


-After Scott had left to take his shower-

Mitch looked taken aback when Scott got up so eagerly and left. He didn't have time to even stop the older man and ask him what was wrong. Kirstie and him just hesitantly got up from the table and saw themselves out of the house.

The whole drive back to Shane's place was about what just happened with Scott. Kirstie just shrugged off his questions, knowing that she couldn't tell him how the blonde felt. It wasn't her place it was Scott's well kept secret. She was not about to play messenger.

When they met up with Shane they decided to stay in and enjoy each other's company. Shane agreed and made dinner and even served them wine... Cooking wasn't something he'd never done previously so what was the occasion? It would've somewhat been romantic if Kirstie wasn't there. Saying that, Mitch was slightly glad she was.

"I'm gonna head downstairs and go to bed," Kirstie announced after dinner. 

"Good night." Mitch stayed up and cuddled with Shane while a movie played before them. Scott somehow didn't even cross his mind for the first time in months. He was too caught up in the moment, you know with Shane being extremely sweet and gentlemen-like tonight.

"I've been thinking," the grey-eyed man voiced, interrupting the movie. "And I really miss us. I'm lucky to just have had you forgive me for my dick ways and allowing us to be friends, but I still love you."

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