Made For Loving You

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*When writing this the first time I shouldn't have put so many point of view changes but I kept them for this chapter, but I'm sorry about it. And sorry for mistakes I missed.*

Kirstie's P.O.V.

Mitch called me and asked me to meet him at a Beverly Hills address when I'd waken up this morning. I was starting miss him and Scott's company so I assured him I would be there.

Upon arrival, I almost thought I was in the wrong are considering how giant it was, but Mitch met me outside and invited me in. After stepping into the house, Scott came strolling down one of the two staircases within the place and brought me into a warm hug.

"Hey, how have you been?" I asked as we pulled back from each other.

"Mitch's been a hand full," he started, earning a slap in the arm from the very queen he spoke of, "but other than that I've been good."

We shared a small laugh before a pretty older lady about my height with graying hair and a plump figure came in the room with a motherly smile. Scott introduced her as Sophia and she was instantly hugging me and asking if I was hungry... It reminded me of when I visited home.

I politely declined and in a blink of an eye we were back outside getting into Scott's car.

"Where are we headed?" Mitch questioned once we were buckled and pulling out of the driveway.

"It's a secret. If I tell you, you might back out," Scott said and that was that.

"That doesn't sound appealing," Mitch groaned and turned up the radio before pulling out his phone to keep him occupied.

I leaned forward in my seat, resting my hands on Scott's shoulders and gave him a gentle but threatening squeeze. "Well then, there better be good food there because I'm regretting my choice of telling Mrs.Sophie I wasn't hungry."

Scott laughed and reached a hand up to pat mine. "There will be, I promise. Now sit back please."

"Okay, Dad," I joked and sat back.

I got the pleasure of stretching out in the backseat as the drive seemed longer and longer. We were in the car for about 45 minutes and Mr.Blondie still wouldn't tell us where we were going. Mitch and I tried bugging him but he didn't budge. That man has some serious patience and restraint.

Eventually we pulled up to a full sized mansion. It was stunning, nicer than Scott's. He parked and walked us into the house, introducing us to everyone that we were immediately bombarded with. There was a group of young girls-about 10 to 12-all dressed up, jumping around in the living room of what we came to learn was his friend's house. It was the guy's daughter, Lizzie, birthday and she was obsessed with Scott. It was extremely adorable how she blushed when he hugged her.

Mitch and I eventually got coaxed into doing the girls hair and make-up and throwing them a small fashion show while Scott made use of one of the microphones and the stereo system. I had no idea he could sing; his voice was mesmerizing.

"Sing a love song, Scott? Please?" Lizzie begged a while later, gathering the girls to sit and watch. I stood by with Mitch, also giving puppy dog eyes along with the girls.

After some convincing, Scott gave in to the request and chose to sing, "I Was Made For Loving You" by Tori Kelly and Ed Sheeran curtousy of the only kid with a masquerade mask on the whole party. It was a duet so he asked if either of us would sing with him.

"My throat is a bit sore and I don't want to damage anything," I lied. Then I pushed Mitch towards Scott with a big grin and said, "But Mitch on the other hand has an angelic voice and is completely healthy."

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