The Storm Pt. 2

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*Mentions of past abuse. Sorry for any mistakes.*

The first bolt of lightning that was followed by a loud crash of thunder was unexpected. It was then followed by a shriek from Mitch. He covered his ears with his hands to drown out the loud crashes but it didn't work. These things always triggered his worst memories and he still hadn't learned to handle them in a way that didn't involve tears and yelling.

"Please stop! Please, please, please, please! I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry," He shouted unconsciously over the booming outside, rocking his body back and forth. Or was it the pounding of his heart? He couldn't tell what was what.

Mitch began to cry harder the more he thought about what happened to him during storms. He was now using a pillow to muffle his cries but his efforts did not avail. Mitch hadn't heard Scott come into the room and didn't notice him until he felt a familiar warmth embrace him.

"Mitchy, it's okay, it's okay. Shh, it's me," Scott whispered into his ear until he quieted down. "What's going on?"

Mitch brought his face from the soft fabrics of the bedding and stared at his friend, breathing in gasps. Scott was here, holding him, worried for him. No one else is here and no one can hurt me right now, he thought to himself.

"I-it's the s-st-storm," He stuttered out. Mitch was surprised he managed to get that out. He would usually mentally freeze up, and physically, he would shake. He wasn't willing to let many touch him when he got like this, but Scott was making him feel safe. Mitch's mental state was fine at the moment and registered comfort so maybe that's why, but his body, however, shook violently.

"Grab a pillow," Scott instructed We're going back into the theater. It's sound proofed."

Mitch didn't move from the bed, he wanted to but all control over his body was temporarily discontinued by another crash of thunder even louder than the first. It made the mansion vibrate with it's force.

Scott's P.O.V.

Mitch wouldn't move. Or maybe couldn't he move. It didn't really matter. I'd never saw him this distraught before and it was scary. Was this how he felt seeing me out on that balcony?

I couldn't take seeing him anything other than happy and flirty in general, but right now, this was bad. I slowly moved to put my arms beneath him, silently asking for permission and he nodded. I picked him up bridal style and carried him downstairs to the theater. When I shut the door to the theater behind us, I sat him down on the couch and he let out relieved breaths that were still too fast.

I sat beside him and pulled him into me like I'd done earlier. "I need you to calm down and talk to me. Why were you screaming 'I'm sorry'?" I asked.

Mitch peeked up at me, still trembling, then back at his lap. He shook his head to tell me he didn't want to say. Now was the chance to explain why I was such a wreck this morning because maybe if I showed I trusted him enough, he could do the same. I'm not sure if that was selfish somehow, but I went through with it.

"I'm still not really ready to explain everything, but I can tell you some things," I said. He looked at me curiously and I took a deep breath.

"When you guys left, Sophia mentioned my deceased mother and that triggered old feelings I have carried since I was just a troubled kid. Guilt, sadness, anger. All that plus another situation on my mind was too much to handle all at once and I sort of freaked out. I don't have family other than you, Kirst' and Soph', and I was pushing you away because I'm scared to lose you I guess," I admitted.

There was so much more to say, to share, but that seemed like a good place to stop for now. This was about helping Mitch. I reached a hand up and wiped away his tears. "Please open up to me, you can trust me. Why were you screaming?"

"Um, well there's a reason I was with Shane in the first place and why I did all of this to get him back other than because I'm an idiot. I..." He stopped and inhaled, blinking away another round of waterworks.

"It's all right. Take your time and your not an idiot."

"Whatever you say. But I found a comfort in him that I couldn't find in anyone else at the time. Though he broke my heart, he had helped me so much that I was willing to forgive him. Shane helped me after an abusive relationship. The guy I was with w-would verbally abuse me on a daily basis, but then he started to slide random slaps in every once in a while. It-it had started out of nowhere really, and I thought it had to be something I did. When it stormed outside though..." Mitch's voice cracked, and he blinked up at the galaxy projecting on the ceiling. He wasn't able to stop the tears this time and I was sure I wouldn't be able to stop my own.

 "When it stormed, he went full out on me. He would beat the living of music out of me sometimes, knowing that the neighbors couldn't hear my screams over the thunder, not that I screamed a lot. That only made him more upset. Lucky for him, the chance of a storm in the forecast was common where we lived. Once or twice it got so bad I couldn't really leave the bed unless to use the bathroom. I was 17 and naïve then. I had turned my back on my family to be with him so I thought I couldn't leave, I won't have anywhere to go. Then I met Shane, and he brought me back home."

I sniffed and wiped my own tears. Someone hurt my best friend with all they had and I hadn't known.

"I am so sorry you had to go through that. A soul as beautiful and bright as yours doesn't deserve anything but the best," I added. The corners of his mouth twitched into a sad smile but he shrugged. I raised a brow when he glance back down at his lap in denial. I guided his eyes back to mine by cupping his cheek.

"I mean it, Mitch. You deserved the best of all this world can give."

"I think I've finally got something like that considering you are the sweetest, kindest, most talented and attractive guy I've ever met."

I rolled my eyes with a blush. He could just be being nice like he always is. "Thanks, but is that how you saw Shane?"

Mitch sighed, leaning into me more. "Yeah, he was sweet at times, and kind, and obviously attractive, but he's not you. Shane doesn't even compare to you. You are an amazing guy and friend despite whatever your past may have been and I know you'd never purposely do something that'd hurt me."

And there it was. Friend. I smiled and kissed his cheek then I noticed how sleepy he looked. I got up to grab covers and extend the other couch into a pullout bed. When I was done I gestured Mitch over, patting the space next to me. He climbed beneath the thick comforter I grabbed and settled close to me.

"Thank you for protecting me tonight. You didn't have to put up with me," he whispered. An adorable yawn followed right after.

"I did, though, because you did it for me when you didn't have to. I love you and will always protect you no matter what... Do you want me to get you something or do you need anything?"

Mitch shook his head and burrowed into the bed. "Just for you to stay right here. Only if you don't mind."

I scooted right against him in response and put my arms around him securely then kissed his head. "Of course I don't." Soon I plan on telling him everything about me. Including my past and feelings for him. I waited until he was sleep then allowed myself to fall into a deep peaceful sleep.

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