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I swear ds internet haz some of da dumbest, stupidest ppl in dere .-. I was watching a video and it stated not to sit for too long and then it said when ur drinking water, always sit down and den someone in da commentz put "They said not to sit, and then said to sit when drinking water" 

I waz juz staring at my computer wondering where logic went for this person. Please...use ur brain...think for a second...AND FIGURE OUT DEY DIDN'T MEAN STAND 24 EFFIN 7! DEY MEANT NOT TO STAND TOO MUCH U IDIOT!

And den dere waz dis animal simulator game which was also online so yea dumb peeps r bound to be found. Someone stated a fact in the chat about fruit batz and me being an animal nerd stated "Fruit bats are also known as flying foxes". Then someone else iz like "buh how r dey a fox?" Breh did chu srsly juz write dat? So I thought ok lemmie juz calmly explain to dis person. I told dem how it's only another name for them since they look kinda like foxes becuz of their long nose. They respond with the same question. Really? Okay so i retyped the whole thing. They asked the same thing AGAIN. I freakn swear this better be an internet troll... I explain it to them another time. This continued for five flippin timez straight in an effin row. I was starting ti lose my patience at dis point. Wanna know wut they did? TAKE A WILD GUESS >:( They asked the question AGAIN. Okay now this was the last straw :) I COMPLETELY ROASTED THAT PERSON LIKE I OBLITERATED THEM and I wasn't the only one annoyed by their stupidity. They keep asking the same thing and I couldn't take it anymore and was like U KNOW WUT DIMWIT IM JUST GONNA LEAVE NOW CUZ I HAVE BETTER THINGS TO DO THAN DEAL WITH A STUPID THREE YEAR OLD THAT CLEARLY NEEDS THEIR BRAIN REPLACED. They got mad at me and I waz like YEA SURE CYA LATER SUCKAH and left da room

Lez juz say as peaceful as I am, when I get triggered by stupidity, I can rlly blow da whole world up XDDDDDDDDD

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