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So there's this kid on the M3 bus I take to skool. He's like what? 5 or 6 years old or something. So Klone when chu getz mad at "singers" just repeating wordz over and over UR LUCKY THEY WERE MEANT TO SOUND GOOD LIKE DIS KID PROBABLY HAS NEVER HEARD OF SOMETHING CALLED DECENT SINGING CUZ I SWEAR I HAVE NEVER HAD THAT MUCH EAR RAPE BEFORE NOT EVEN MY BIRDS CAN BE THAT ANNOYING. Like that kid was on the bus repeating the same words over and over again thinking it's a "song" in their normal voice. Like not even in a TUNE for god's sake. It got so effin annoying when I was on the bus before trying to sleep and then having this kid repeat the words "I got" seven million timez. I wasn't da only one that hated this either tho like I could see the annoyance in everyone's faces and feel the frustration in the air. Even the kid's MOM asked him to stop and he did that for two seconds of silence and then started again and interrupted our pleasant little time of peace. I get it he's a kid even I used to sing when I waz little (cringing so much now XD) but hey at least I sounded DECENT cuz everyone was smiling on da subway in those years and I at least sang ACTUAL SONGS. THIS KID MADE EVERYONE ANNOYED AND THOUGHT THESE WERE SONGS. REPEATING THE WORDS I GOT IS NOT AN EFFIN SONG UUUUUUGGGHHHH

I'm sorry this kid just annoyed me for a while and I needed to let dis out ;-;

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