Where ze LGBT characterz? xdddd

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Lmao all da peepz reading mah bookz probably think I haz nu Les Gay Bi Trans characterz xddddd welp guess wut SIKE DITCHEZ YALL BE WRONG CUZ I DO HAZ LES GAY BI TRANS (y iz it fun to say dat .-.) CHARACTERZ

Anyone remember Bella? The white wolf with orange eyes from the Gaming Shortz and By Your Side? Yea she's bi. She currently likez a male buh DOEZ hav feelingz for females

And OBVIOUSLY anyone who read Temmies wack show, my gaming shortz, and By Your Side knows Lilly Pawswat d ablack jaguar with dark blue eyez xdddd

Yea Lilly's not even bi she's les juz completely les xdddd

Funny thing I actually have a friend in skool named Lilly .-. She's crazy as fluq and is les xdddd lmao she even started like a Les Gay Bi Trans group xdddd

I WOULD join it buuuuuut

I'm straight .-. Sooooo yee xddddd

Anywho YEP Lilly's Lesbian and Bella's bi xddd

Ya know considering they're besties anyone gonn ship dem? ;w; xddddd cuz i do lmao

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