lml dis iz wut happenz when chu make dis gurl boref xdddddd

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lol since im rlly boref rn imma juz...

write an essay about the differences between an arctic fox and a red fox and may or may not post it here on watt xddddd lol i waz juz wonderin about how Casey doesn't look like Skye (ya know like longer earz, less floofeh neck, not skinny as a twig...) and den im like "huh wut ARE da differences between an arctic fox and a red fox. Ya know other den da fur color xdddd" and since im lame and have nu life imma juz do dat ;v;

It's so weird how I choose to write random essays at da most random timez about da most random thingz .-.

then again me iz da definition of random sooooo xdddddd

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