Daddy issuez

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Alrighty sooooooo yee imma juz keep dis short

My dad legit puts every responsibility on me like I gotta take my mom to the hospital by myself (and dats hard when ur mom getz constant headachez) and be da one to fill out formz and stuff and tell da doc waz wrong and somehow get the weird english some docs use and do every chore other than washing dishes when my mom's sick and he expects all dis to be done without any issues despite it not even being a month I turned only 13 effin years old and even though all dis should be HIS responsibility. If it was becuz of work, I can understand but NU my dad is a TAXI DRIVER and he can take day offs every single day but whenever we need him for something he remembers bout his "job". He's so lazy he doesn't even wanna book an appointment ON DA PHONE cuz it'd take away precious time from games xdddd

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