To all de Jacudy shipperz...

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To all those JackxJudy me a favor and find ur cousin. Don't have one? GET ONE! (Toy Story reference lmao xddd) Idc if its a cousin by blood JUZ GET AN EFFIN COUSIN! Anywho, find out ur cousin's bf, gf, or crush and den get jealous and tell dem not to like them. If dey ask y, u say "Cuz imma madcap and I'm in love with u despite being ur cousin and imma do anything I can to make sure ur only MINE cuz that's not creepy at all right OvO"

Yea you'll probably get a slap in the face a long with a few punchez and maybe a kick in da nutz if it's me like u deserve. Lmao dis iz every fanfic dat haz Jack and Judy in it at da same time in a nutshell xddddd

Dat iz until Jacey became a thing :3

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