Neko!Valt x Shu

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The secrets that Valt didn't tell you was that he was a neko.

Sure you might think I'm a crazy person for believing that, but the signs are definitely there, for example when Valt climbs a tree he can only climb up and not down. Whenever he gets angry or scared, he would rarely do this but sometimes he would hiss at the bey club and do the stance for when cats are scared or angry (the bent back pose), and so on, Daigo was the first person to notice this and tried to capture the moments when Valt goes cat-like again.

He would hide his tail in his pants and his ears would patted down with the head-band that he wears, that's why people didn't know his secret, Daigo tried countless times to capture the moment where Valt was hiding his cat tail and ears, but he failed at it. He set up an conspiracy on it and with some support from his friends that also believed in Daigo like the bey crew, that chatted with each other on messenger and each and everyday they would share infos with each other, even Shu is in the group that Daigo set up.

Shu's POV

Neko conspiracy/ Valt is a damn neko

Honcho: hey guys! Urgent news people!
-Seen by Daigo and 4 others

The wonderful Wakiya: yah, he has something u need to hear

Daigo: spill the beans honcho.

Simba: C'mon let it out.

Honcho: ok, here's what I got

(After a lot of chatting and hearing out Honcho's news)

Can you believe it, he said he saw Valt with a tail behind his back.

Sure, I love the blunette in a I'm more than a friend way but just think about it, we're both boys and no way is my fantasies are becoming real, I would love to see Valt with his cat ears he's been hiding, the cute tail he kept in his pants, but people said that it was all imaginary and there's no way that something like that could happen. They obviously forgot about Sheila, she's a human with hawk wings which everybody agrees on and Valt being a cat genetic, they denied it? People these days...

But since I want to see the scene happening with my own eyes, I decided to bring Valt over and see if this was a actual thing rather than hearing Honcho's rambling 'bout what he saw and it just doesn't seem legit to me. So I was on the phone, preparing to call to Valt, honestly I got stuck with my imagination again and was expecting to hear Valt talk in cat language, but after holding up the phone close to my ears I finally realized that none of that crap is happening, or at least yet.

'Hello??' Valt picked up

'Hey Valt, wanna come over my house today?'


'Ummm, Valt are you dead?'


'Valt careful, you're going to make my ears bleed...'

'Oh! Sorry! I'll be right over, gimme 5 minutes!' And with that Valt hanged up

Better get going with the food...

No ones POV

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