| Hey There!| Smol Valt x Smol Shu|

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It was Shu's first day of pre-school, he was a nervous wreck and couldn't even speak straight, he kept hiding somewhere in the shadows so that other kids can't see him, it was before he met Xhaka and he couldn't make it through recess properly. The kids that are hyper and energetic aren't what Shu finds in a friend, he prefer the type that is still energetic but quiet like him, usually Shu tends to like his space but somehow today he wanted sit with the other kids rather than the table at the corner so he made a move and carried himself to the 'popular' kids.

It didn't went well...

The boys kept mocking him and teasing Shu, making his will dropped low, and don't get me started on girls that chased him around the playground today, one of the kids stood up and pushed Shu to the ground making the albino whimpered in pain, a loud laugh was heard and basically the whole class was starting to laugh at the figure that fell to the floor, the girls started a fight to a boys since they are over protective of their 'husbando' as the kids say. Shu had caused a fight because he wanted to sit with the 'cool' kids, and honestly he thought he couldn't even fit in this class. All of a sudden, the boy from before went up to Shu and grabbed him by the collar of his shirt, after one pull Shu was in the air dangling his legs trying to get free, he looked at him and he had violet eyes and a flaming hair.

'The name's Lui and you better remember it!' The boy threatened

'O-okay!' Shu said struggling in his grip

'Leave him alone Lui!'

A voice that sparked a tiniest bit of hope in Shu, he feared that everyone is going to stare at him and laugh like they did before, there was actually someone standing up for him, soon a boy with blue hair pushed through the the crowd and his brown eyes sparked determination to fight for a kid that he doesn't know, after a lot of argument talking, Lui stormed out of the place and went to who knows where, after he leaves Shu on the wooden floor of the classroom the blunette immediately rushed to the albino male and checked up on him, soon they were talking a lot more energetically and they so both like beys so that's no issue to mention.

After a few minutes they became close friends, and Shu even showed Valt his hiding place during recess to escape a crowd of girls chasing him and boys teasing him, Valt loved the place that Shu showed him, it was behind a boulder at the playground's walls and behind it is like a magical place that was filled with bushes and trees, Valt brought a few of his mom's bread and brought it for Shu to eat, he ate all of them happily. They had joked around and time just isn't there anymore, they're having so much fun that they don't even know that time's passing, they were playing tag and Shu was 'it', he was chasing Valt around the place also carrying a stick to poke Valt if he was too far away so he can tag him.

'Tag! You're it!' Shu says

'Alright! Here I come!' Valt said as he make a U turn and chase after Shu

But he accidentally trip on a rock, and fell rolling over to Shu.

After Shu noticed that he wasn't being chased anymore, he was confused but after a few rustling moments Valt rolled towards him and caught the albino off guard, crashing into each other, they were unable to move and the reason was Valt was still dizzy and he couldn't get up, after he recovered his vision, the blunette blushed red as he was on top of Shu and laying on him, he immediately got up and apologized over and over again hoping that the albino will forgive him. Shu was stuck frozen in place as he was progressing what just happened, but he was flushed as well...

Talk about that new friendship.

Shu smiled at the apologizing figure and laughed, Valt looked up at shu wondering why he was laughing all of the sudden, after the his laughter was done he explained to Valt that it's okay to make mistake like this one and helped Valt get up from the ground, Valt was smiling brightly at Shu as he nudge him and both went running back to the classroom as the bell rang.


Imagine that Xhaka can time travel and bought the older version of Shu, Valt and the others to see the younger versions of them.

*while Shu and Valt were blushing and smiling*

Xhaka: feel free to take pictures, but no flash while fanboying 'kay.

Kensuke: *whipering* omg the ship just sailed O 0 O

Daigo: this is gonna go in my ship book *places picture in book*

Shu and Valt: *blushing heavily* oh god...



Hey guys!


I found this picture...and I think that this should be the reason why Shu turned into red eye..

I mean it hilarious! Take a look!

Oh! And this one too, I think I should be happy for this one

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Oh! And this one too, I think I should be happy for this one

Oh! And this one too, I think I should be happy for this one

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