20 Shualt OTP Questions

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So I gotten some requests saying that I should do some OTP questions, I really like answering it anyways.

So enjoy!

1. Who worries about how they look : Shu

2. Who hogs the blankets? : Valt

3. Who eats the others food?: Valt

4. Who's more likely to cry over a sad book or movie? : Both of them :)

5. Who talks smack while playing a video game? : Valt

6. Who sings along the radio? : Valt

7. Who would enter the both of them into a talent show: None, they usually like to watch it on TV tho

8. Who would accidentally set the kitchen on fire? : Valt

9. Who would throw the other into the pool?: Idk, you guys choose! (Prob Valt)

10. Who likes to snuggle with each other? : Both of them!

11. Who usually gets sick? : Valt

12. Who cooks for the other? : Shu

13. Who protec the other? : Shu

14. Who keeps asking for rematches? : Valt

15. Ideal date? : Sit somewhere near the ocean and watch the sunset......like they did on the last BBB ep.......

16. What's their jam? : Havana

17. Any fears? : Shu's afraid of flip-flops and Valt's afraid of spiders

18. Who's the more athletic one? : Shu

19. Who's keeps daydreaming? : Valt

20. WhO pRopoSes? :



Keep suggesting me some questions then I will try to answer them! Next chap is back to one shots

Anyways see ya


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