| My Soul |Demon Shu x Angel Valt|

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Valt was an angel, nicest and somehow care-free of all of the angels, lives in a clearly perfect life in his huge mansion that he obviously shared amongst all of the others. At first the blunette thought it would be great being the next angel for the receiving all of the mansion for himself, but soon time has passed and he felt like he wanted to escape from this dungeon room, he was locked in that room everyday to prevent any demons from taking him to the underworld and stealing his soul away, honestly he....he hated the place.

Sure he was allowed to go outside to the fields where he can interact with other angels or animals, but it was in a limited time, whenever he got out he felt free and wanted to get out of that mansion as soon as possible, but that isn't going to happen anyways, he will always be locked in his room. Now the underworld had different plans, they sent out a new demon, Shu, for the job. He certainly passed every test that Satan gave him and looks perfectly in shape, so he was chosen for an important job. Girl demons tried to seduce him, more specifically sucubus demons but he had a wall between missions and feelings, so he would be balance in his life out. Once he was free to go up to heaven, the albino was certain that he would bring this angel back to the underworld for Satan to finish him off, it's not easy to go up but he managed, time for catching angels.

The albino silently stalked other angels from a distanced bush keeping a sharp eye on his target, not that he wanted to be here, the mission had to be done fast or otherwise satan will be impatient with the process. Not awhile after, Valt was flying his way out of the mansion, it caught Shu's eye he had to move fast, so he flew behind the blunette and kept a distance between him. Moments later the albino had already reached his destination and found a bush to hide, he saw Valt on a swing, relaxing his tension and felt the breeze through his hair, Shu knew that he never went out so he shouldn't know what a demon is. Jumping out of his bush he strides towards the male, ready to catch him and stuff him in a bag.

'Hey.' Shu said

Valt jumped at the sudden voice but quickly responded

'Uh, hey. How can you find me? I thought no angels ever found this place?'

'I got my own tricks, names Shu.' Shu smirked

'Okay. Well, what do you want with me?'

'Oh, just a favor, and I need someone to do it with me, it's outside the mansion I would say.' Shu lied

'Wait, I'm going outside this mansion?! THANK YOU SO MUCH!'

Shu sweat dropped, does this kid even know that he were being kidnapped or is he just playing along? Either way, his plan was working smoothly and Valt had even agreed on escaping his mansion and leaving everyone behind. Sure he misses them but he had the chance to escape so use it! Shu led Valt to outside the walls of the mansion and they're off the grounds of it, the blunette saw things he never saw before, a forest, more animals but there's no trace of any angels around here either. Guess Valt was in luck after all, he smiled brightly at the albino making him get this feeling inside him, the feeling wall is starting to close in on Shu's mind, but after he shook it off and continued walking deeper in the woods, now he tried luring Valt in to the sack but he's to unobservant to even notice it was there.

Plus many other things...

But, it was getting dark, so they had to camp somewhere in this forest without being attacked by some random bush bear, luckily since Shu is an camping expert he already had some camp stuff with him. Now he wanted the job to be done quick but he had to tell boss that he'll come home a bit off schedule but that's fine as long as he catches Valt. It's about 9 PM so they both should be sleepy, Valt was laying on some soft bushes while the other was laying in his sleeping bag, soon enough Valt fall asleep first and Shu was dozing off somewhere in his own world. He wanted to wait for Valt to fall asleep first so he can catch him but now he regretted doing it, he tried to scare Valt but after one quick turn of events he stopped, not only is he paralyzed but who can handle Valt's curiously cute face?

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