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this is the poetry
that has come from the
two different parts of me;
the side that is healed
and the side that is still stitching itself
back together.

i am happy to love him
and even happier to be loved in return,
but there is still the sadness,
and the pain,
and the anger.
so, so much anger.

this is the writing
that has come from
learning that it is alright to
cry about it, even now,
when you feel like you
shouldn't have a reason to.

these are the words
that have come after
acknowledging the pain,
all of it, and not shoving it
back inside myself.

this is the poetry
that has come from
facing the skeleton in my closet
with him by my side to hold my hand.

this is the poetry
that has come from
finally realizing it is okay
to be okay
but also not okay
at the same time.


i would love for you all to give me feedback on these pieces! that way i can know if i need to change anything before i publish in march. 

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