[Episode 1!] THE MAN THEY CALL....TRENT!

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Sunstreak city, a beautiful city famous for its sunny yet breezy environment and blooming flowers. Well even greater highlight of the city is that flowers aren't the only thing that blooms around, as the city is famous for its royal family castle- The Bloom Castle - and it belongs to the great MacArthur bloodline who were the founding fathers and defenders of this city in the past, and still hold powerful position in the city.

Their lineage has been chock full of great people from knights and rulers of the past to present day business tycoon and scientists. And the man of the moment is the sole heir of the royal estate, a good scientist and young businessman Trent Bloom MacArthur generally referred to as Mr.Trent Bloom. He is the head of Bloom Labs, a high-tech research facility meant to research and develop objects for human welfare. He also runs the parent company of this lab The Bloom corps . 

He has achieved so much at an young age of 26 years, and he's a sensation among ladies, but doesn't quite believe in relationships. He's a well groomed 6 ft. 2 man with an impressive physique and logic driven child prodigy. Some researchers believe he simply has an IQ of 200 and above, and has good command over his emotions. 

But one can't have the fortune of having everything in their life, a tragedy is almost in the fates for everyone to have ever walked on this planet, and so was in his. Five years ago his mother and sister were off to Birmingham in their newly bought private jet for a business deal, but an abrupt engine failure made the plane crash and killed all people aboard, this news traumatized his father as he fainted and crashed his head on nearby furniture and he was paralyzed for life. His father Mr. Christopher Bloom MacArthur was the founder of Bloom Corps.

The investigation of SCP said that the plane had crashed in the Pacific Ocean near some abandoned islands and no one could reach there and that the engine of the plane had failed was given the cause of crash, but there was something that didn't fit well for Trent. He believed it was not an mere accident but a murder, but he didn't knew what could have been the reason behind it and most importantly who?! 

So he started out on an investigation of his own. All of this had happened when he was only 15. From that day onward he went on to train himself both physically and mentally to find that person, he took to mixed martial arts and military grade combat training and sword fighting was in his blood so he honed that craft too.

 It took years but he couldn't get a clue about the murderer so he restarted it from beginning only for this time he turned the cards that weren't played. He contacted the plane company only to know that their was an engineers team who did the final checks of the plane on the day of its delivery. He requested them to sent in the list of engineers only to realize that there was one person who wasn't an employee in reality, his name was written Silver Malcomm.

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