Notes of The Eidolon

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For those in your Realm well versed in diverse mythology, you may notice that many a creature in here resemble or mimic creatures from your world, and even creatures from your mythologies. The creatures native to Mythos have been known to travel to other realms and planes of existence, so many of the creatures from mythology probably originated here. The Wattpad author, the one who's profile you see this book on, was kind enough to upload a translated version onto this website for everyone to read and enjoy.

Well guys that's it for the Mythos Guide. I'm gonna work on an improved version and change up the names of a lot of the creatures, mostly the ones that are like the animals from our world, such as "fox" and "cat." I want this to be full out fantasy, so I'm gonna change those names. Stay tuned for the new and improved Eidolon's Guide to Mythos, whenever it comes out.

Onwards to Adventure!

~Shard of Darkness checking out and hoping everyone enjoyed this silly effort at a guide book

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