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"Fucking hell." Hyejin sighed heavily while carrying thick textbooks that her teacher asked her to get from the library for the first class in the morning.

Hyejin immediately regretted not asking for help from her friends in class.

"Why did I ever agreed to help getting the—" Hyejin mumbled before one of the books in her hands dropped to the floor.

"For fuck sake." Hyejin cussed under her breath before slowing kneeling down to pick the book up from the floor while trying not to drop the other books in her hands.

Just as Hyejin was about to pick up the book,a long,slender arm was extended to the ground,picking up the book that Hyejin dropped.

"Here you go." He smiled,putting the book on top of the piled books in Hyejin's hands."Thank you." Hyejin thanked him before continuing her tracks back to her class.

"Let me help you,neighbour."

"Nah it's okay,I can carry it.It's not that heavy anyways." Hyejin refused.

"Your face says otherwise." He said,taking half amount of the books in Hyejin's hands and carrying it."Besides,I'm going the same direction anyways.Let's go." He stated before letting Hyejin lead the way to her class.

"Thank you,Seongwoo." Hyejin said before placing the books on the teacher's table which was in front of the class.

"My pleasure,princess." He winked as our homeroom teacher's high heels clicking against the floor was clearly heard.

"Oh On Seongwoo? Thank God that you're already here,if I would have to go up another flight of stairs,I might die in these heels." The teacher stated as the class chuckled.

"It's ONG Seongwoo and you're welcome." He said,emphasizing the 'Ong' in his sentence.

"So class,Ong Seongwoo will be joining us starting from today since he has showed really good performance on his last exam.His hard work is what got him here so I want everybody to be nice to him okay? I don't want students comparing each other with status because all of you are the same." She said to the class as the class listened attentively.

"And I also don't want anybody in this class shaming him just because he used to be in the 'unsmart' class or whatever you guys call it.All of you worked hard to get good grades so all of you are the same no matter which class you came from.So,mark my words okay?" She continued as everybody in class answered her with an 'okay'.

"Ong Seongwoo,you can sit there beside Hyejin since that's the only empty seat in the class." The teacher flashed Seongwoo a smile as Seongwoo made his way to his new assigned seat.

"We're neighbours at home and in school,isn't this fate?" He whispered to Hyejin as he filled up the empty seat beside her.

"Welcome to the nerds club,man."

"I will gladly be a member." He said,letting out a chuckle."Though,I'm probably the most handsome member,right?"

"Shut up." Hyejin chuckled before giving her full attention to the teacher who was teaching infront of the class.

Nerds club just got better.


So guys,if I write smtg in italic,tht means those r Hyejin's inner voice or thoughts or whatever u guys call it.

It is gonna be Hyejin's inner thoughts unless it is stated.

Anw sorry for the shitty chapter tho HAHHAHAH IDK WAT TO WRITE

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