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"Is that good?"
"When it comes to chocolate,it's a hundred percent satisfaction."

"Anyways,we're not here to talk about our drinks.Come on boi,spill the tea." Hyejin said with eagerness.

"Okay,okay.So it was like this,"
"She was the popular girl in school like in the movies while Seongwoo was a nerd."

"What? Seongwoo? A nerd?"
"Yup,he was one until Jiyeon decided to make him as her lackey and transformed him into this cool,good looking man."

"Then,they dated for a year.They were the school's sweetheart since they were both good looking and were a really good match."
"Like in most movies,the popular girl needs a popular guy by her side to help her maintain her reputation right? So Jiyeon did that and Seongwoo was getting tired of it."
"He had to dress up and look good everytime he goes outside cause' Jiyeon says so and he has to be by her side whenever she goes such as parties and all other popular kid activities which resulted in Seongwoo to neglect his studies.When he was done with everything,he decided to dump Jiyeon."

"What happened then?"
"Jiyeon was of course mad and worried that the breakup would effect her reputation."
"Because of her anger,she used her power as the school's president's daughter and made Seongwoo sat in the bad class where all the students do is just play even when the teacher us teaching.Since then,Seongwoo's grades dropped but not his popularity though."

"After a few months of breaking up with Jiyeon,Seongwoo dated another girl."
"How can he date two girls at that age."

"Since Seongwoo was still popular,the girl he was currently dating became popular in-fact,more popular than Jiyeon and of course that made her mad."
"Then,she made Seongwoo's life even more miserable including his family.So that's all I know." Said Daniel,ending his story.

"Seongwoo told me he's from another school when this happened so how did you know all these stuffs?" Hyejin questioned,taking a sip of her chocolate drink."I have my sources." Daniel gave Hyejin a wink while smirking.

"If she's really transferring to our school,what are we going to do?"
"My advice for you,Hyejin is just to avoid her.Don't go near her or be involved with her.She's toxic.Don't let yourself near toxic." Daniel said with concern.

Why the hell am I involved in this shit.Is it even wrong to be friends with someone's ex?

"I mean,of course Imma do that." Hyejin snorted and let out a slight chuckle.

"Now let's talk about us." Daniel said,changing the topic.
"What about us?"
"How have you been this whole time after you know...me and you...your mom."
"Well to tell you the truth,it became less fun and I had no friends to talk to.It's embarrassing to say but you were my only friend before Seongwoo came." Hyejin half - heartedly smiled at Daniel as he munched down the hazelnut cookie he bought.

"And my mom keeps pressuring me about my grades.It's hard to be smart all the time to be honest." She said as the both of them chuckled.

"How bout you honey?"
"Same old same old.Just that I really miss having a smarty pants beside me making jokes and spilling tea with me."
"Awww," Said Hyejin as both of them chuckled more and more.

Hyejin was feeling overjoyed in her heart to be back with her bestfriend after such a long time.Everyday she craves for moments like this,just chuckling and laughing together without having to worry about her mom separating the both of them.

Before her mom separated them,moments like this was her daily routine.Then,came one scary day where she had to leave him and break away from that daily routine.She still remembered how she felt that time.It was as if her world just turned dark,black and white,soulless and empty.

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