14. Bad Blood

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*Harry's Point of View*  

"You okay, mate?" Liam asked as I creaked open our apartment door. "Not in the fucking mood," I huffed, slurring my speech a bit. After Louis had left, I went to the bar near my flat and gotten a couple of shots to help the dull, guilty pain that was throbbing in my chest. Maybe a couple of shots was a bit of an understatement...

"What happened?" Liam asked, raising an eyebrow as he looked up from his laptop. He watching some sort of action movie, based on the loud engine noises and shouting coming from the speakers, but when he saw how upset I looked, he closed his laptop and headed towards me. 

"Haz, are you drunk?" he asked, a look of concern spreading across his face. "You know you're not supposed to drink with your...." I cut him off. 

"I know I know, not supposed to drink because it makes my mood disorder worse. Blah blah. Fuck that shit, Liam. I'm tired of following the rules. I did tonight and all they did was fuck me over and I lost Louis," I mumbled, cracking open the fridge and pouring myself a glass of milk. 

Some people might prefer pizza or French fries when they were plastered, but cookies and milk have always been my go-to drunk snack. Sweet over salty, baby. 

"Lost Louis?" Liam asked, his bearded mouth twisting into a frown. "Harry, you said nothing happened with that dude from the bar. That you weren't gonna text him. Harry what the fuck?"

He tried to grab me, but I lurched out of his grip, running towards the cupboard to get my cookies. "Fuck you, Liam. You can't control who I date. I tried not to text him. I held out a week and a half, but I couldn't stop thinking about him, Li. He's just so beautiful and kind. Those big blue eyes and his squeaky laugh.. and that stubble. Fuck," I said, nearly moaning as I thought of how much damage I had just caused the man of my dreams.

Man of my dreams -- did I say that? Well, I'm still a little drunk while writing this. But yeah, I sure do fancy him. 

"And I fucking hate Sharon! She's gross... she's like ten years older than me. You know I hardly ever date women. What the fuck is wrong with you, Liam?" I nearly yelled, slamming the pack of Milano's on the table. 

Mmm. Milano's. So chocolatey and buttery, the perfect combination. My favorite....

But no, I was still mad at Liam. "I know we're fucked financially but this isn't worth all the money in the world. I'm so bloody unhappy. I don't feel right about this," I continued, watching as Liam glared at me with his dark brown eyes. "And she ties me up like a hostage when we have sex--and I have to pretend I'm into that shit. Do you know what you're doing to your supposed best friend Liam? You're killing me...."

"It wasn't my god damn decision. All three of us decided that we were gonna do this. YOU agreed Harry. And I told you time and time again that if you said yes, you couldn't pull out. I told you that specifically," he nearly shouted at me. 

I dunked a cookie into my milk. Milano's were really perfect for dipping, unlike Chip's Ahoy which often got stuck in the glass.

"Well I can't even pull out when I'm tied down to the god damn bed, Liam. I'm gonna end up with children at this point... Jesus," I cried. 

Liam shook his head. "Stop exaggerating Harry. I'm sorry this happened with Louis but you were never supposed to text him. I just got an email saying the paperwork should be processed next week. As soon as she signs our record label, we'll ask for a new agent. The contract is for a year and she can't go back on it. So you'll be free to go." 

I shook my head. "Did you ever think -- Liam -- that the reason she's signing us isn't because I'm fucking her. It's because we're talented?" I questioned, taking another bite of my cookie. 

"Well, Harold. I'd love to believe that the industry works that way, but we both know it doesn't. She nearly cancelled our lunch because I had sent her only headshots of me and Chris. When she got yours, she rescheduled it. Coincidence? I think not," he growled. "There's no playing by the rules in this industry, Harry. We signed up for this."

"No, you signed up for this, you selfish prick!" I said, inching closer to Liam. My hands were shaking with rage and even my cookies couldn't help my mood now. 

"You never cared about me Liam... since we've gotten  to New York, you've been fame obsessed. You're hardly home, always sleeping around with girls after our shows. What about me? What about our friendship? You let everything go to shit, Liam. And I'm not doing this anymore. I'm going to call Sharon right now..." I screamed. 

In that instant, Liam ripped my phone out of my hand, throwing it wildly across the room. I heard a loud clunking sound and whirled around to find that it had fallen into my glass of milk. 

And that's when I tackled Liam. 

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