Daniel and Betty- Soulgazing

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Soulgazing Chapter 1, an ugly betty fanfic | FanFiction


Well I am back with a brand new Detty fanfic

This one was inspired by the eppy "Blackout"

I hope like it as you find out what happens when Detty goes to therepy


Intro: Too much to take

Daniel & Betty were looking directly into each others' eyes. He was looking into betty gorgeous brown golden eyes, has never such beautiful like hers. She was looking into Daniel's goregous bright blue eyes, she was always seen them and was always aware of them, but now looking at them, she really admiring them. Daniel & Betty while having their eyes locked on each other they had have their palms on their hearts feeling their hearts beating, Even though there was them and therepist in the room, Daniel & Betty felt like they were they two people in room at the moment, something was happening, something that can't be explained. What was happening? what was going on here?, But this was all getting too much for Betty, as looked away, pulled away from Daniel heart's and said,

"Im sorry, Daniel, but this, just too much." Betty then ran out of the room as he watch run out in tears, leaving him in the dust.

Then Therepist step in and said, "Daniel, what are you just sitting there for, Go after her."

The therepist was right, Daniel said, "You're right, thank you, Dr. Tyler"

Dr. Tyler, she called out to Daniel stopping him, giving him one last piece of advice, "Don't be aftraid, be honest with each other. Tell her how you feel, before its too late."

Daniel didn't response but took action as he keep runnng after Betty, hoping he wasn't too late, but he wasn't, there she was standing waiting for the elevator doors to open, but for moment Daniel just stood there as he looked Betty hurting in so much pain and it was because of him, he hated seeing her like this, as stood there he looked back on things got so screw up in the first place........

Chapter One: How it started.

Three days ago

It was new morning at MODE, when Betty entering the offices of MODE, she thought it would be any other day, as she was heading towards her desk, she turn on her computer and before starting her work she decided to check blog "B inspired", her first few posts got alot of responses and great reviews, Betty, was thrilled just to get that, but she was even more thrilled to find out that her blog was nominated for bloggy, she was didn't know such an award existed but it did, and she was nominate for most insprising blog. Betty overjoyed she couldn't contain for her excitement she need to tell someone and fast, but who? Matt was million miles way in africa, and amanda, she wouldn't understand, Marc wouldn't care, Bobby took, Hilda, Justin, and Pappi out to miami, as she need to stay for work purposes, So who was left, hitting herself, she realize the first person she should tell, her best friend, the person she has been always been able to trust, and who has inspired her to get her to where is she today,

Betty skipping merryly into Daniel's office, gleeful said, "Good Morning, Daniel, I have the best news..." but Betty stop as gasp in shocked as Daniel turned around, but with no beard. She couldn't believe finally Daniel Meade has gotten rid of that beard. Standing starring at Daniel's shaved face Daniel, said


Betty was snap to back as she said, "Daniel, you shaved"

Daniel went towards her, as he said, "Yeah, I did, beard, was itching the hell of me. Do you like it?"

"Like it, love it, happy to see it gone." Betty told him

"Happy, to see it gone? but I thought you like the beard?" Daniel asked

Betty bit her lip as she said, "Oh, I mean, I am happy that you wanted it gone."

That sound worst betty trying to find the right words but Daniel chuckled, "Its okay, Betty, so whats the good news."

Betty almost forget in light of Daniel new look she told him the good news, "Oh, yes, Daniel, I got a bloggy!"

She jump into Daniel's arms, hugging him until Daniel asked, "Uh, Betty, whats a bloggy?"

Betty pulled away from Daniel as she is hissed, "Whats an Bloggy, Daniel haven'tyou been reading my blog."

"Uhh" hoping a lie would get him out of the mess he is going to in, he said, "Of course I have, so I guess bloggy is an of some kind of an award, right?"

Not sure if Daniel was lying she decided to test him as she said, "Yes, it is, but Daniel if you read my blog, what was my first post?"

Daniel thinking damn, he busted, thinking of what Betty first post was, Damn he didn't have his laptop on right now, but he saw Betty was getting impatient so the thought of the quickest answer, "Your first post was about, how far you've come in your life, how you first started at MODE overcoming hardship to now it finally being paid off in end as now you are a great features editor."

Hoping his guess was right Betty said, "Daniel Meade, you are such a damn, liar!"


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