What needs to be said

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Soulgazing Chapter 10, an ugly betty fanfic | FanFiction


This is the last chapter

This is based on a spolier for the series finale

"A pitvol male character will tell Betty he loves her"

That man is Daniel meade I just know it.

So enjoy this chapter!

Chapter 10: What Needs to said.

What I am just standing here for, Daniel thought to himself stand there watching Betty entering the elevator. Then Daniel soon realize he was no longer going to stand there and watch Betty walk away. So he rushed to elevator, Betty was startled to see Daniel's face as he push back open the elevator door, Daniel panting he asked,

"Is there enough room for one more?"

Even though Betty wanted to be alone, she moved aside for Daniel to enter the elevator. Soon as the elevator doors, it was silent between Daniel and Betty, until they moved foward to elevator button as they pressed the same button to floor 1, they touched hands, Betty shuttered and move away back into the right corner of the elevator ignoring Daniel. Daniel was hating this, wondering why Betty was being so distant. he couldn't take the silence any longer so he pleaded,

"Betty, please talk to me?"

No response from Betty. So Daniel tried again, "Wiill you at least look at me?" he asked, but still no verbal response from Betty as she crossed her arms and her shook her head "No". Daniel sighed, getting frustrated, but he wasn't going to give up, not just yet. as he asked Betty.

"Fine, if you won't look at me nor talk with me. Can you at least listen, because there is something I need to say."

Betty shooked her in agreement as she listen what Daniel had to say,

"Thank you, " Daniel told her, "For what I am about to say, its hard, but it needs to be said. You need you know what going on, and You need to know what I saw in soulgazing, and what I saw was your smile, Betty."

Betty glance him surprised in his soulgazing confession, but she didn't response but she coutinued to listen to Daniel as he coutinued to tell her,

"That beautiful bright smile of yours," Daniel then notice Betty bowing down her down, but he leaned in as he lifted her head and said, "That smile which makes smile ear to ear everytime I see it."

Thats when Betty show that excate same smile Daniel was talking about, and as he said, he smiled ear to ear, and then said, "You see, there is that smile. and that smile made me realize whats truly in my heart, and that person is you. Betty. "

Then Daniel took a deep breath preparing himself for what he was about to say next, "Anyways, what I am trying to you, Betty, is that I love you,"

Now Betty became stunned, actually flabbergasted in fact. How was she suppose to repsonse when your former boss slash best friend; a man like Daniel Meade tells you that he loves you. Even though she want to hear anymore, she need to hear more so she let Daniel coutinued,

"I know I am risking everything just by telling you this. I know might be losing my best friend, and that scares me the thought you losing you, Betty; but scares me the most is me not ever telling how truly feel. And I know you might not the same way I do but I want you to also know that...."

Then Daniel grabbed Betty's left hand grasping tightly, which Betty could feel his touch, she glance at their hands together seeing how much their hands were prefect fit. Tears rolling down not sure if willing to keep her composure she did once she glance up at Daniel as she finish his sentence.

" No matter what happends, despite how you and I feel for each other. You can always count on me, Betty. To be there for you, to be that friend if you need to be, And that I will always love you if you decide not to be my friend or not. "

Then Daniel release Betty's hand from his grasp, breathing a sigh of relief, that he got all of that out of his chest. Now all Daniel was hope was a repsonse from Betty so he pleaded, "Betty, now is the time to say something."

Betty sighed wipe her face from the tears she said, "I don't what to say, Daniel. How I am suppose response to that?"

Daniel reply, "You're right, I wouldn't know what to say either."

"Daniel?" Betty said, "I need to show what I saw in my soulgazing, would you mine if I showed you?" Betty asked Daniel

Daniel responsed, "No, I won't mind at all, please show me?"

Betty smirking as moved towards Daniel, slowly leaning in to press her lips upagaint Daniel, kissing sweet and softly. Daniel and Betty were sharing their first which started nice and sweet, but then it began to grow more instense and passionate, as Betty began to put her arm the muscular Daniel Meade, while Daniel moved his around Betty's dark glorious locks. Their kiss grew instensely as the processed go down the elevator floor, they were lost in each other's embrace. So lost in fact that neither Daniel nor Betty notice the elevator doors opening, They didn't even hear the dink, but they did end up hearing two voices in unison say,

"Oh my gosh"

Thats when Daniel and Betty stop kissing but their lips were still attach to each other til they turned heads, and saw the elevator doors open and to see Amanda and Claire standing in front them stunning to what they just witness. Immedately Daniel and Betty pick themselves off the floor, as clearing their thoarts acting casual Daniel said,

"Well, Betty, Goodnight, see ya saturday night?"

Betty lost train of though as she said, " What?"

Daniel chuckled as he reminded her, "The bloggy awards?"

Betty remember and reply, "Right, of course, see ya saturday night, Daniel, Goodnight."

Daniel and Betty adjust themselves, got out of the elevator separtely as they both greeted Amanda and Claire,

"Mother, Amanda , Goodnight." Daniel said

"Mrs. Meade, Amanda, Night." Betty said

Claire and Amanda, both said, "Night," as they waved goodbye and when they turned away for the slightest second. Daniel and Betty rushed off together holding hands as the run out of the MODE Bulding. After Amanda and Claire saw Daniel and Betty rushed off together, they glance at each other smirked, and gave each other high-five on a job well done

The end

Told ya it would end happily !Thanks for reading. Please comment and add me :)

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⏰ Last updated: May 30, 2014 ⏰

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