Time to wake up

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Chapter 3: Time to Wake up and Smell the Coffee!

Daniel felt like an idiot thinking that Willi was Betty, no way Betty was like Willi at least it was good to know that, but the fact was he was just tried, so he told Willi,

"Sorry, Willi, just tried thats all."

"Well, wake up, Daniel!" Willi demanded, "I need you do cover for me as Marc and I are going on a spa assignment for this month issue of MODE,"

"Today, Willi you can't just leave like this." Daniel yelled

Willi said, "Of course, I can, Daniel, In fact, I am Co Editor in Chief and I need a break, now come on you have all the help you need, you have Betty. I am sure she should be thrilled to be Co Editor in Chief for the day."

"Right" Daniel sighed as Willi did make a good point, "Fine, Willi, Go but you better come back tomorrow."

"Whatever you say, Daniel. " Pretending not to care then she added "By the way here a list of people coming for the love issue and whosever on that list to get rid of. understood."

Daniel sighed, "Understood" as he was about to look for the list of people.

As Willi was heading out the door, she bumping into Betty, thank god she didn't spill two cups of coffee, evermore greatful nothing got going to spilled on Willi, then Betty said to Willi,

"Oops, Sorry Willi."

Willi sighed, "You are excused, Betty, but just so you know, Daniel's a bit under the weather, if he falls sleeps on you, pour that hot coffee all over him for me."

Betty confused looked on her not sure why was acting werid, Betty didn't say anything back to her as she watch Willi leaving. Shaking her hand in confusion she enter in Daniel's office and then she firgure out what Willi meant, Daniel looked horrible, he looked he sick, pale, and hausted, concern she what was Daniel doing here the first place so she asked him,

"Daniel, are you okay, you looked?" Not sure how to completed the sentence as Daniel compeleted it for her with a lie,

"I am fine, Betty, just tried thats all, hardly got any sleep last night."

Betty asked again, "Then, why are you even here and why is Willi leaving?"

Daniel told her because, "She and Marc are going "Assistment" for this month's issue of MODE."

"Oh sorry, to hear that Daniel, you are lucky, because I am happy to help. "

Daniel gave Betty light smirk even though he was happy to have Betty's help, the words from her blog still plauged him screaming at him "He doesn't understand me!", Betty could sense something other than haugustion was bothering him so she asked,

"Daniel, are you sure okay?"

"Betty, stop worrying I am fine."

"Well is something plauging you, Daniel, causes it looks like something is bothering you." Betty asked again

Then Daniel snapped at Betty, "Betty! for the fifty god damn time! I am fine!"

Betty suddenly turning sliently bitting her lip, this is what Daniel feared sounding like his father when he yelled at him, he sighed he hated snapping her at,

"Betty, I am sorry, I am tried, okay, I will be fine, nothing like a nice slim milk double latte can do for me." Daniel said

Betty understood Daniel and told him, "Lucky for you, you got just that." then she held out a cup of coffee in front him, and said, "Slim milk, double latte."

Daniel sighing of relief very grateful to Betty as he said graping the latte of her hands, "Thank you, Betty."

"No problem."

Taking sips of out their coffee, Amanda knocked on the door, said, "Daniel, Dr. Tyler here to see you."

"Who?" Daniel said after taking a sip of his latte.

"Dr, Ashley Tyler, she was suppose meet Willi, but since she is not here, she said, you and Betty would take care of it."

Daniel said, "Thanks, Amanda, put her in the conference room, we will be there shortly." Amanda then left as she did what she was told.

"Well, lets go, Betty" Daniel said

Betty confused, "Daniel, whats going on?"

Daniel heading out the door he stoped, turned as asked, "Well, arent you coming? Co - Editor in Chief for the day."

Betty beaming with joy, smiling as she didn't say a word and went with Daniel to the conference room. As Betty and Daniel enter the confernce together like to professionals as Daniel went towards Dr. Tyler he greet himself,

"Hello, Miss Ashley tyler. I am Daniel Meade." He shook Dr. Tyler's hand,

Dr. Tyler reply " Hello, Mr. Meade, nice to meet you. and please Dr. Tyler."

Then daniel apoligizes" Sorry, Dr. Tyler"

The Daniel greet Betty, "This is my associate, Betty Suarez."

"Hello" Betty said

"Hello, Miss. Suarez." Dr. Tyler reply.

They sat down Betty and Daniel sat beside another as Dr. Tyler sat across from them. Then Daniel told Dr. Tyler

"I am sorry, that my Co - Editor in Chief, Miss Williheimia Slater, she is on bussiness, but my assiocate, Miss Suarez, is better I assure you." Daniel winked Betty as Betty smirked which the Dr. Tyler seem to notice how cute they were.

Dr. Tyler said, "Its no problem at all, I am just thrilled you call me in, I know that would bring in a lot of readers for this month LOVE issue for MODE."

"And how would you do that, Dr. Tyler."

"Well, If you looked at my file for a moment, you can see why." Dr. Tyler told Daniel and Betty.

And For moment Daniel as took a sip of water washing the latte from his breath while opening Dr. Tyler's file his eyes bluged and he spit of the mouthful of water across the table coughing, Betty concerning patting him on back to relieve the coughing, Betty asked,

"Daniel, Whats a matter?"

Daniel move the folder towards Betty she looked stunned to find out what Dr. Tyler did for a living, she said, "Oh my god, you are Sexual Tenison therpist."

Dr. Tyler smiled and reply "Yes, I am "

Daniel and Betty looked each other stunned to what they had in front of them.

New chapter coming soon. Will Dr. Tyler help Detty confront their issues read and find out in the next chapter.

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