I am sorry I hurt you

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Soulgazing Chapter 8, an ugly betty fanfic | FanFiction


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Find out what happens when Dr. Tyler is put into the mix


Chapter 8: "I am Sorry, I hurt you"

After the intial shock wore off, Daniel meade was not to please to see Dr. Ashley Tyler, he wanted to settle this alone with Betty, but she had to step in so he yelled,

"What the heck is going on here, what in the hell are you doing here Dr. Tyler."

Dr. Tyler staying compose she reply, "I'm here to help Mr. meade."

"Help, like you did earlier today, I don't think so, so if you please, leave me and Betty alone." Daniel asked

Betty didn't know what said, she remain speechless, she thought if she spoke that it would make matters worst.

Dr. Tyler sighed, "Fine, I'll will leave, but like I said, I think you two need more than apologize, you need to really firgure out what really happen, that lead you this point, and to make sure nothing like this happens to you two ever again."

As Dr. Tyler slowly making her way out the door, Betty knew she Dr. Tyler was right and she need her help with Daniel. So she stoping by calling Dr. Tyler, "Dr. Tyler, Wait."

She stopped as she turned stay slient as Daniel hissed, "Betty. what are you doing? this should between us."

"Yes, but Dr. Tyler is right there should more than just an apology and forgiving hug. It won't work this time, I want closer on this, I never want a fight what we had today to happen never again, We need her help Daniel, wheather you like it or not. "

As Betty looked at concern worry look on her face, he she had a point, and he was in agreement with Betty, he wanted to fight with Betty ever so sighed, said, "Fine, Dr. Tyler. please help us, fix us."

Dr. Tyler smiled at both Daniel and Betty please that they were both willing to fix things in their relationship, so she told them, "Thank you, both, it took great courage what you two have just done, now lets get to work, figure out we can fix Daniel and Betty."

Daniel and Betty sat side by side together on the couch as Dr. Tyler sat across from them on a lounge chair, she put on her glasses, got out her pen and notebook, click her pen she looked at Daniel and Betty for moment obsevered their body lauguage, and right off the bat she notice that they were both very nervous, figity sitting beside each other in arms lenght, she notice their distance between them even though they were sitting on the same couch. Then Dr. Tyler notice Betty as she every timid a bit of afraid to say word even if she wanted to say something. Then she turned looked at Daniel and notice him looking Betty, wondering why he was so focus on her. Realizing both, Daniel and Betty are distance from each other she hope that her session will help bring them closer together. So she sighed asked both Daniel and Betty.

"Daniel & Betty, Tell me how long have you two been firends."

In unison they said, "Four years."

Dr. Tyler writen mential note of that in her notebook as she asked Betty," Betty, have you and daniel ever fought like this during your firendship with him."

"Well we have fought a couples time but not like this." Betty said as she glance at Daniel.

Dr. Tyler then turns towards Daniel and asked him, "And Daniel, the fight you and Betty have were they usually your fault?"

Daniel hated to admit but he said, "Yes, but me and Betty were always be able to work things out."

"Really, Betty how would Daniel apologize to you." Dr. Tyler asked Betty

Betty reply, "Well, always acts really sweet to me, he leaves me bunches of messages on my phone, or gets me things," Betty sighs,"But?"

"But what, Betty?" Daniel asks wanting her to finish her sentence

"Thats not I want." Betty tells him

Daniel stunned to hear Dr. Tyler knowing she was getting somewhere so she added "So what you really want from him Betty is "I'm sorry" admit that he was wrong for hurt something along those lines correct.

Betty shook her in agreement with Dr Tyler

"I see." Dr. Tyler then adds, "So, never say Daniel "Betty, I am sorry." at least not to your face."

Betty about to answer but Daniel intreputs, "Hey, I say I am sorry, don't make out to be the bad guy here okay, Dr. Tyler."

Dr. Tyler said, "I'm sorry, Mr. Meade, I didn't mean to make you the bad guy in all this, but let me ask you, why do leave Betty a dozens messages, why give her gifts, it ever occur to Daniel to just give Betty a honest to good, "Betty, I am sorry I hurt you."

Daniel looked Betty, seeing that sad looked upon her face, the thought never came to him til now, he never said it "I'm sprry" to betty, at all, not once, that made him feel like the worst friend in the world, and he surprised to see that Betty was still sitting there by his side after all the times he has hurt her. Looking at Betty she glance at him he knew what he had to do. So taking the advice from his mother gave him, he took a deep breathe he said those six words,

"Betty, I am sorry, I hurt you " Daniel said with upmost sincere to betty.

Dr. Tyler moved to tears to hear such a sincere apology, Betty moved as well that all she need to hear from Daniel's mouth. So she return the favor and reply, " I am sorry, too Daniel." Then Daniel and Betty leaned slowly closer as they join themselves in a hug. After they release each other, and saw Dr. Tyler wiping her tears, Dr. Tyler told them,

"How that was an apology."

Daniel said, "So doc, are we good."

"Not just yet, there one more thing we need to do yet?"

Betty asked, "Whats that?"

Dr. Tyler answered, "Soulgazing"

Then Daniel and Betty looked each other and wondering if the soulgazing was actually nesscary.

It is nesscary? what will happen during soulgazing? Will it work on Daniel and Betty? Read the next chapter to find out.

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