Something needs to be done

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Chapter 6: Something needs to be done.

Betty in the bathroom composing herself from hurt and anginish from the fight she had with Daniel, she never thought they could ever fight this bad like that. They been so close for so long she didn't know how things got this bad between them. Wiping the tripping masrcae off her face, wondering how things ever be the same again between her and Daniel again. Then Betty sounds coming from one the stalls, she looked below to see if anyone was but there was no sign of feet, thinking that she was just hearing thing until then she heard squeel of a woman saying,

"ewww, my new Gucci shoes." then Betty follow opened one the stalls to find Amanda,

"Amanda, what on earth are you doing." Betty asked Amanda

"Letting you have some privacy," Amanda reply

Betty said, "Oh really, how sweet of you, Amanda to listen on my self-loathing."

Amanda getting out the stall trying her best to dry her shoe, she said, "I'm sorry, Betty couldn't but over heard how Daniel can act like such a jerk to you. I thought he was your friend."

Betty helping Amanda out the stall handed a towel for Amanda's shoe, "Yeah, me too, but then he is Daniel Meade, here I thought he was this sweet, decent, and changed man, but now he is acting the same."

"The same womanizing jerk he was 4 years ago." Amanda added

"Excately, and then why I am crying over him, Amanda." Betty asked

Amanda stopped drying her shoe dropped without so much as another word was said, Amanda gave Betty a hug and then told her, "Betty, all men are jerk sometimes, but one thing we shouldn't is cry over them."

"Right." Betty sighing.

"Of course, I am right, I've got alot smarter learning from you."

Betty feeling some what better from Amanda's kind word and Betty wonder where it was coming from, "Aww thanks, that is really sweet of you to say Amanda, but what has gotten into you? why you are being so nice to me?"

"Because you are my roomie, and you've been nice to me, so I thought why not return the favor. Why don't you get out of here, Betty, take off." Amanda told Betty

Betty told Amanda, "You are insane, I can't just take off work."

"Betty, come on, I do all the time, if things are slow. Just for once Betty, listen to me, go! Take your home for change, relax, you had rough day." Amanda said

Amanda was right she relax, she did have rough day, thanks to Daniel. thinking of Daniel, "But what about Daniel."

"Don't worry about, Daniel I will take of him."

Betty hugged Amanda as she told Amanda, "Thanks Amanda, you are great roomie."

Amanda smiled as she reply, "No problem, now get out of here before, I drag you out!"

Without some much as hesitation Betty left the bathroom, getting ready to head home and relax from such a hard day, as Amanda stood there, she didn't really realize how bad things were between Daniel & Betty. Then she got Dr. Tyler card, that is when Amanda knew something had to be done for Daniel & Betty and things need to right again, because it isn't right for a pair like Daniel & Betty to be fighting, to be hurting like this. She needed to fix for them before its too late, then......BAM! a plan occur, a plan that can make things work out for Daniel & Betty. Running to her receptionist desk Amanda picked up the phone, called Dr. Tyler,

Dr, Tyler answering her phone, "Hello, Dr. Ashley Tyler, speaking."

" Doc, this is Amanda, from MODE."

" Amanda, so happy to heard from and so soon, whats up!"

" You're right, Daniel & Betty do need your help? and I have plan, are you in?"

" Mostly definately, " she agreed

Amanda said, "Good, clear your schudule, this evening because tonight, you are coming back to MODE, for a emerency therepy session."

It take long for Dr. Tyler, and Amanda Sommers to begin planning on how bring together cute and abdorable Daniel & Betty back together again. To make see their relationship is worth saving, not risk losing.

Hmm wondering what Amanda and Dr. Tyler have up their seelve, you'll find out in the next chapter!

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