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Chapter Nine: Soulgazing

Daniel and Betty facing each other from across the couch, feeling slightly uncomfortable, as to what they were about to do. In fact they still haven't got a clue as to what they were doing so Daniel asked Dr. Ashley Tyler

"Doc, what is the meaning of this soulgazing, I mean is really nesscary."

Betty added, "No offense. Dr. Tyler, we really do appericate all the help, but I agree with Daniel, what is the point, we worked things out."

Dr. Tyler told them, "Daniel & Betty, I know, you two have work things, I couldn't be more happier, but what you both need to realize is why you two have become friends in first place, you both need to realize whats in your each other hearts and souls. Now I promise you, it won't take long. Now are you two ready for soulgazing."

Daniel & Betty looked at each other as they shruged as both sighed to just get this done and over with once and for all. So again in unison they said, "Yes, we are."

"Good, Now Daniel, face Betty. And Betty please face Daniel." Dr. Tyler instructed as Daniel and Betty face one another, then Dr. Tyler told them,

"Daniel & Betty please keep your eyes interlock with each others." Daniel & Betty did as they were told as their eyes were lock to each others,

"Now, Daniel please take your left hand, and place right above Betty's left breast." Dr. Tyler told Daniel, but Daniel broke the eye as he told Dr. Tyler, "I will not."

"Mr. Meade, please work with me, I am sure Betty doesn't mind." Dr. Tyler said to betty, "Don't you, Betty."

Betty said, nothing but of course this was uncomfortable for her and Daniel, she wished she didn't have to do, but it need to be done.

Daniel turned back to Betty as he asked, "You are okay with this, Betty because you aren't, we can run out of here, right now."

Betty smiled it was sweet for Daniel to offer but this need to be done so she told him, "Thank you, Daniel, but its okay, lets keep going"

Daniel sighed, "Okay, Betty." Daniel admired Betty courage, but as Daniel put his hand above Betty's chest he wasn't sure he had the strenght to endure this, but he was pulling through it.

Dr. Tyler asked Betty, "Betty, taking your right hand and place on above Daniel's right bicep please."

Betty neverous, her right hand was litterally shaking as she place her hand on Daniel's bicep, Daniel could feel the shakiness from her hand on his bicep, but they were pulling through together now, knowing soon they would be done and move with their lives.

Then Dr. Tyler insturcted Daniel & Betty, "Now make sure both of your eyes are lock, now together breath in and out three times, after the third time, close your eyes, and while are close still hand place on each others heart, focus on whats in your hearts and souls, and then after a minute and half or so open yours eyes and tell me what you both saw. On the count of three; One......Two......Three."

By the count of three Daniel & Betty close their eyes, at first all they could see was dark, but it didn't take long for Daniel to see Betty's bright metal smile, and Daniel saw that smile he couldn't but smile ear to ear which Dr. Tyler could see in plain sight, amazed to see how quicky happy Daniel was. Then Dr. Tyler saw Betty and became consider as she was witness a different reaction from Betty, a sightly scared and neverous one. Dr. Tyler noticing that Betty was bitting her lip, and Dr. Tyler wonder what was Betty was seeing and what was she so scare of. Betty, first saw this blue bright light; a light that almost blinding in which she couldn't see a thing, but then the blue light start to dimed and then she saw Daniel, Betty getting nervous and having butterflies in her stomach. Then Betty began to bite her lip as she notice that Daniel was proceeding closer to her, seeing his lips pressed together, Betty wondering why she lean towards him and then together they lean in and softly kiss each other on the lips. Startled to what she saw, Betty opened her eyes pulled from the lock andDaniel, Daniel felt Betty presence away fade from as he longer saw that smile anymore. Then Daniel open his eyes and there he saw Betty scared to death worried he asked

"Betty, whats wrong, what did you see?" Daniel trying to touch Betty but Betty pulled away from his touch. Betty afraid to even glance at Daniel, while crying she told him, "I'm sorry Daniel this just too much. I have to go."

Then betty run out of the room, And there he stood as Daniel finished rehashing what just happened within the past 24 hours, and he couldn't but feel responible. Wondering why he was just standing there he need to Betty the truth but it was too late, but he just stood there watching Betty enter into the elevator.

Well, now we are up to the present, what will happen in the future for Daniel & Betty read and find out as there are two more chapters left of this fanfic, please comment, and alert me :)

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