Holding back

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But promise this will all lead to something good

Anyways here is new chapter

Chapter Three : Whose is Holding back?

After the intial shock wore off from Daniel & Betty finding out that Dr. Ashley Tyler was Sexual Tenison therepist, Daniel apologized,

"Im sorry, Dr. Tyler for that brust of water coming out of my mouth."

Dr. Tyler told him, "Thats fine, I get that reaction all the time. but yes I am Sexual tenison therepist, and I am not shame to admit."

Betty cheered, "Good for you, I would love to hear what you can offer to MODE."

"Well, Miss. Suarez, Mr. Meade, I can offer a whole to MODE, especially in regards, to this LOVE issue. In most of cases models all over the fashion world have come to me, for advice, some about the stresses at work, or in love their love lives and I've always try to give the best advice possible. Also, I know you don't feature celebrities couples as much, but I did work with some well known names in regards, of their sexual tenison towards one another in and out movie screens." Dr. Tyler informing Daniel and Betty.

Daniel said, "Really like who."

"Well, I worked with Brad Pitt and angelina jole'."

"Omg, you work Brad and Angelina, my newphew Justin, loves them, you were the one who got them together in Mr. and Mrs. Smith."

"Yes I was "unknown" consultant."

Betty leaning towards Daniel telling him, "Daniel, we have to feature her, she is prefect for this LOVE issue, getting the scoop from the woman who bought Brad and Angelinga together."

"Clam down, Betty, I hate to be the one to tell you but, Willi, she owns half this company now, and she doesn't want this woman feature." Daniel told Betty

Betty couldn't believe since when Daniel started to listen Willi so she hissed, "Since when did go by the orders of Willi."

Daniel sighed Betty did have a point, so he asked, Dr. Tyler "Dr. Tyler? Tell us, what did you planned on featuring on MODE."

Dr. tyler said, one word "Soulgazing."

Daniel and Betty said together, "Soulgazing."

"Yes, a techquin that helps release some the tenison in midst of their relationship."

Betty highly intresting in what Dr. Tyler has to say but Daniel not that impressed by it, but asked more about it.

"What does this soulgazing intailed excately?" Daniel asked

Dr. Tyler answered, "It intailes, looking into your soul through yourself or your partner, it can help one person having stress as their breathing helps relief the stress but it is mostly good for couples to look inside themselves and relieve what is important their relationship and relieve tension. And really I don't mean to be pest but by the looks of it, you two might need my help."

Daniel hissed, "Excuse me, what did you say?"

"I am sorry, Mr. Meade but, you and Mrs. Suarez, as much you two looked cute together, there is some tenison in the relationship, I hope you don't mind me asking how you've long been married."

Betty said, "Married? we are not married."

"engaged?" she asked

"No!" Daniel told her

Dr. Tyler bewildered. so asked once more, "Are you two even dating."

In unison Daniel & Betty answered, "No! We are just friends."

Dr. Tyler giggled as she couldn't help not Daniel & Betty answering in unison it was just too cute for her to handle. Daniel so what getting annoyed as he hissed,

"Whats so funny."

"You two, has anyone told how cute the two of you are?" Trying to ease down her laughter Dr. Tyler said, "I am sorry it is just that one or both of you is holding something back, and ruining your relationship or friendship and I suggest two, to do soulgazing release that tenison, and remind yourselves what important in your relationship, but if you don't accept my help at least suggest you two to talk and open yourself up before its too late."

Daniel and Betty glance at another, Daniel couldn't believe this therepist she had no right interferring in his and Betty's relationship, trying his best not to lose his nerve. Daniel got up from his chair, and told Dr. Ashley Tyler.

"Dr. Tyler, Who think you are? Coming in here telling me you'd be asset to MODE, then tell me and I have problem in my relationship with Betty, when you know nothing about the relationship we have."

Dr. Tyler feeling bad already, "Mr. Meade, I am sorry."

"You should be damn sorry!" Daniel yelled

Betty shocked in Daniel's tone in voice as said, "Daniel!"

Daniel turned told Betty "No, Betty! I am done,"

Then he looked at Dr. Tyler, "I am sorry, Dr. Tyler but I think that you are not what MODE is looking for, now if you excuse me, I have better things to do."

Daniel brust out of the conference room as Betty and Dr. Tyler sat there in disbelief, shocked in Daniel's rudeness. Then Betty stood up as she told Dr. Tyler.

"I'm sorry. I'll talk with him"

"Me too. Thank you, I hope everything works out between the two of you."

Then Dr. Tyler walked out, Betty stood thinking "what in the heck is matter with, Daniel". Then she left hoping to give a stern talking to. Hoping to knock some sense into him and find out what he problem is.

Told you detty angst more coming soon, in the next chapter! please comment and thanks for the comments in advance.

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