Operation Daniel and Betty

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Amanda's and plan is now going to be set in motion with some help.

Enjoy the new chapter

Chapter 7: Operation Daniel/Betty

As Amanda and Dr. Tyler's operation Daniel/Betty. Claire enter Daniel's office, hoping to talk with her son about the recent events with Betty. Daniel greeted her with a hug and a kiss on cheek, as he said

"Hello mother."

But Claire greeted him in much different instead she slapped him across the face and said, "Don't you dare, Hello mother me, Daniel, whats matter you?"

Daniel confused as to why his mother was acting this way, "Mother, I have no idea what you are talking about."

Claire demanded "Don't play coy with me, I heard about your lovers quarrel with Betty, what in heck went wrong with the two of you. I thought you two were close."

"First off, mom, me and Betty did not have lovers quarrel, secondly me and Betty are close we just had spat, thats all, nothing like few flowers and a note of an apology won't do." Daniel told his mother

"Omg, where is my son, what have you done to him?" Claire asked considern he returning to the old womanzing son of hers

"Mom, please I am still your son." pretending to work and ingoring his mother's glance.

Claire annoyed at that fact the way her son is acting towards she lost it with him as she demaned once more, "Daniel Bradford Meade!" clearing his desk of work of he doing, Daniel yelled standing up, " Mom, what the hell!"

Claire yelled, "Enough! you listen to me, I am your mother, and yes you are my son, I love you, and care about you, but not just flowers and an apology will fix things and do have any idea who sounding like right now?"

"No who?" Daniel asked, Claire puting his hands on him leading him towards mirror as she told him, "You look sound like your father, the man who was player, a heartbreaker, a man that only care himself and not the people that he loves." Daniel said, nothing just starred at the mirror. And for a second he thought he was looking his father, which he turned away from horid of a sight, Claire, hugged her son and told him,

"Daniel, you are not father, you are not the same man were four years ago until Betty came into your life. You need to work things out with her before you lose the greatest thing that ever happen to you."

Daniel sighed, He mother was right, Betty was best thing and the only constant in his and he didn't want to her not now ever, that when he told his mother, "You're right mother, you are abosutely right. I've been acting like idiot to everyone, specially to Betty, I need to work things out with her, but...."

"What if its too late?"

Claire sighed, "Daniel, its never too late, now you want me to call her and get her down here."

"Can you, I need find the right way to apologize." Daniel said

"Okay, I'll make the call, you work on your apology." Claire told him

Daniel smiled and thanked his mother as went out to call not Betty, but Amanda, to notify her of progress of operation Daniel/Betty, Amanda picked up her cell just as she reached Betty's apartment door,

"Hello, Mrs. Meade, whats your status, on Daniel."

"Daniel, all is a go, he has finally has come to his senses. Now is it coming on your end?"

Amanda told her, "Just reached Betty's door, I should get her there by the next 15 to 20 minutes."

Claire not sure about that as Betty highly more stubborn than Daniel is, "Are you sure of that Amanda, I mean what if she says no."

Amanda laughed, "Mrs. Meade, if you get Daniel to come to his senses, I can certainly make Betty suarez come crawling back into Daniel's arms."

"Im not going, Amanda" Betty told Amanda for the fifty time.

"Why not?" Amanda whined.

Betty sitting back on her couch as just vegging out in front TV devulging herself with Ice cream, " Because, first off, it is late, secondly, I am not the mood, besides I need more than just an apology from Daniel."

Amanda asked, "What more do you want from him, Betty, he wants to work things out with you. Come on give him a break."

"I don't know, what I want from him? Amanda?"

Amanda sat by Betty on the couch and said, "All the more to see him, and figuring things out. So come on, Betty, lets get you out this hidious state your in and get your best friend back, what do you say?"

It was 7:30pm in the offices of MODE, Daniel and Claire walked in the black and white confrence room. as they enter Claire gave her son a hugged sighed, "Well I better leave you, before Betty arrives."

"Yes, you shall. Thanks for everything." Daniel agreed

"No problem son, but let me leave you with one more piece of advice. " Claire said

"Whats that?" Daniel asked

Claire told him, "Say whats in your heart, Daniel, be open and honest to Betty." then claire kissed him on the cheek and left Daniel alone to think.

As Daniel thought about what he mother say to him she left looked into inside his for a second or two and saw that all that in his heart was....then he heard Betty's voice say


He sighed turn to look at the woman who inside his heart, as he said, "Betty."

Then they both heard, a another flimliar voice behind them say, "Good evening, Daniel & Betty."

As they were both stunned to see Dr. Ashley Tyler in front of them.

Well there they are what going to happend when Dr. Tyler steps in, read in the next chapter to find out.

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