Chapter 6

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As Barry, Felicity and John reached Gotham City Police Department, Barry remembered Bruce's words. '...Gotham isn't exactly known for being like sunny Central City.' Seeing its police department, he could see why. Barry ran a search of the entire facility through the computers and files before anyone could determine just what the gust of wind had been, and then returned back to Felicity and Diggle in the waiting room.

"Man, you make me so dizzy every time you do that." John said under his breath, "Did you find anything?"

"There's a lot of covered up cases to do with the Falcones, but nothing that remotely comes close to what we're looking for." Barry replied.

"Well, how about the two of you wait out here. I'm guessing that money will talk better in this situation... and Barry, don't let Felicity out of your sight for a minute!" John warned him, as he departed.

Barry and Felicity took a seat and watched the bustle that surrounded them.
"Yeah, this place isn't corrupt at all..." Barry said with a hint of sarcasm, as he saw a shady pair of officers.
"It's definitely not what you're used to, is it?" Felicity agreed, "Barry? Is everything ok with you? I mean even though we saw each other just last week... You've been very... distant."

"Yeah, I'm fine... I guess, that I've just been trying to figure my head out lately. I mean, I told Iris how I felt about her... and she shut me down. So, I've been trying to focus on being the Flash and work and everything and..." Barry let his voice trail off.

"Oh Barry. I'm sorry to hear, for what it's worth... maybe it was for the best... I mean that in a good way. Because, right now you seem caught up in who you're becoming and maybe that's what you need to focus on. Look at you... I bet that if you and Iris got together you would be hiding your secret of who you really are from her, which let's face it, would cause a rift between the two of you and you would be faced with the decision to either tell her... or break it off with her to protect her... It's just like Oliver."

"Wow, Felicity... that was brutal... but also... actually very true..." Barry said adding a laugh, at how right she was, "...But then what? Do I carry my life out, alone, just being the Flash, and that's it?"

Felicity shook her head, "No. You find someone who loves you for who you are, with your Flash abilities and all, and understands everything you're going through because they are right there with you... A real partner! Someone that you can be open and honest with."

Barry noticed the moment between them, Felicity was right and sure enough the two of them definitely had that chemistry. Barry cupped Felicity's cheek in his hand, leant over and kissed her, just as she returned the kiss.

"Ahem!" They heard someone clearing their throat and jumped back to see John Diggle standing there facing them. The pair immediately jumped to their feet and awkwardly waited for him to speak.

"Right... I'm just going to pretend that I didn't just see that. Ahem! Anyway, I've arranged a couple of detectives to take the two of you out on a patrol to locate our missing friends. Barry, you will need to offer them your scientific expertise and, Felicity they will need your computer skills. If the two of you can do that... I promise not to tell Oliver what I just witnessed, because we both know that if he does hear about it... He will give you both the 'big-brother talk' of a lifetime."

"Thanks Digs." Felicity replied a little embarrassed, "What are you going to do?"

"What I was trained to do..." John replied as they were joined by two officers.

The two cops led Barry and Felicity out to a patrol car and they patrolled through the city. "So who is it that we're looking for, exactly?" The officer in the front passenger seat asked them.

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