Chapter 9

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A surge of anger and frustration fell over Cisco, Diggle and detective Gordon. "Why did you stop us?" Gordon questioned Cisco, angrily.

"Do you think I like this change of plans?" Cisco snapped, as he kept his eyes on Astrid's tracker signal. "She made me trust her. I hate when she does that! But they clearly want her as a contestant, which means they aren't going to hurt her... yet. Plus, if we follow her signal, we can locate the rest of them. So frankly, we have no choice... we just need to be ready with all guns blazing when she gives the signal."

"and what signal is that?" Diggle asked him.

"...My guess? something explosive! Look... she's moving!" Sure enough the purple dot which represented Astrid, was in fact moving.

Caitlin was dragged out to the caged ring after being briefed that she would be allowed to use her powers in order to defend herself against her opponent. So far she had no idea who she was up against, but she was not prepared to kill someone, even to defend herself. Caitlin prided herself in always seeing the good in people. Whoever she was yet to face was more than likely just like her. Someone who had been taken away from their family to fight for these crooks.

As per custom, she was blindfolded and left in the center of the ring, but her handcuffs had been removed, as had the bindings around her feet. She had also been fed that day, not that she had touched a single morsel.

From the speakers around her, she could hear the commentators voice. "For our next round we have one neutral hero from Central City, word is she has a dual identity. Let's just hope that she brings out her feistier self... Let's hear it for Killer Frost!" There was a commotion within the crowd. Some people booed while others cheered.

Caitlin couldn't help but wonder how they knew this information about her, they had clearly been looking for her for a while now. Nonetheless, she listened for the commentator to declare just who she was up against. "...Our next contender comes all the way from the busy city of Metropolis and used to be known for her opinionated radio shows... let's hear it for Livewire!" Once again there was a bustle within the audience.

Caitlin waited for the commentator to give her permission to remove her blindfold, and she did so, once she was told. Livewire was a woman who was a little taller than Caitlin and she had long blonde hair. She seemed excited to be given the opportunity to use her powers. Once given the go ahead, she immediately struck Caitlin with a bolt of lightning which caused an instant electric shock.

Caitlin could feel Frost trying to emerge. "No..." she called out to whoever was listening, "...I can't kill this girl! I won't!" She refused to let Frost make an appearance.

From his place in the side lines, Ronnie Raymond noticed Caitlin in the ring. "Martin! We need to do something! She shouldn't even be here!" he said to his friend.

"Ronald. It is clear that she came searching for us and she was captured the same way we were. You know that we cannot meddle, besides, without the Firestorm matrix, we are powerless to do anything." DR Stein replied.

"Caitlin is not one to kill. She would rather be murdered than allow Frost to kill another person. You can't expect me to stand here and watch her die!" Ronnie demanded.

Martin looked over at one of the handlers. He would be their only chance to take back the Firestorm Matrix. "Ronald, if you don't mind... Allow me to speak with our handler. Maybe I can convince him to let us fight this fight for Dr Snow." Ronnie nodded and so Martin left.

But as Ronnie stood by and watched another bolt of lightning strike his wife, he knew that she did not have much time left. He ran towards the caged ring and shook the bars violently, yelling the words "Caitlin! let me fight! Don't do this! Let me take the fight!" over the roaring crowd.

To his surprise, he was heard, and it grasped the attention of the commentator. "Folks, what is this? It seems that we have another contestant at the sidelines! Though he is just one half of the contestant we have come to know as Firestorm. Should we allow him to join the fight? It is clearly an easy kill!"

It was clear that Ronnie was not thinking clearly and as Caitlin saw him on the side of the ring, tears welled up in her eyes. "Ronnie!" She called out as she ran to him. They were separated by the metal bars but she could still hold his hands through the gaps. Livewire, stopped her attacks for the moment.

"Caitlin, what are you doing here? You shouldn't be here! You're going to get yourself killed!" Ronnie said with tears in his eyes.

"Ronnie, I received a message! I came to find you and they caught me. You can't meddle with this fight! You'll get yourself killed!" Caitlin cried, wishing that she could hold him.

"Do you think that I can just watch you throw your life away? You need to turn into Frost! She will protect you. She can win this fight!"

"Ronnie, you're asking me to kill another person! I can't do that! You know that I can't! I'd rather die than..."

"Caitlin! You and Frost are two different people! I know that now! Besides, I can't risk losing you again! You need to do this! You need to let her fight for you! I love you, Caitlin!"

The commentator's voice interrupted their words, "It looks like for the first time in history that we have a third party fighting in this match! Let's give it up for Ronnie Raymond, whom I'm sure that without the other half of Firestorm will be of no match to either one of our beauties... anything for a little more bloodshed!"

As Caitlin heard the commentator's words and saw the guards allow Ronnie through, she tried to push Ronnie back out of the ring. "No, Ronnie! Don't do this! You're going to get yourself killed!" she cried through hard tears.

As Ronnie was moved into the center of the ring, he began dodging Livewire's lightning bolts. He ran to the left, to the right and then back and forth. "It's good to see you actually try..." Livewire commented, "...unlike your girlfriend."

"...She's my wife, actually!" Ronnie declared as he tried to run at her in an attempt to tackle her and then retreat.

"Oh what a pity... You're kinda hot!" Livewire remarked. Ronnie, eyed Caitlin for a brief second, but it was that exact second that cost him. Livewire shot a lightning bolt that struck him down immediately. His body fell and began jittering on the floor.

As Caitlin watched, she couldn't resist but to allow Frost to emerge. The pain of seeing the love of her life crippled on the floor this way was enough to bring out the Killer in her.

"That is enough!" Frost yelled at the lightning queen. Before Livewire could turn, Frost let loose two consistent streams of Ice into the back of Livewire with both her hands. The streams lasted for a long time, but finally Livewire's arms fell and she collapsed to her feet.

Frost ran towards Ronnie and allowed Caitlin to take back her form. As Caitlin inspected the body of her love, the realization set in. Ronnie was dead. "No! Ronnie!" Caitlin yelled out between tears. She kissed him and felt the anger and sadness still surging through her veins. She sobbed over his body. "You can't be dead, Ronnie! We're supposed to have kids! We're supposed to grow old together! No Ronnie! Please wake up! I need you! I love you!"

Caitlin was interrupted by a couple of guards who rushed over and inspected Livewire's body. They signaled to the commentator, who spoke immediately. "It seems we have a winner! Let's hear it for our new contestant! One to really look out for... Killer Frost!"

As Caitlin heard his words she was shocked. "No, she isn't dead! I didn't kill her! There has to be some mistake!" she demanded.

Caitlin looked over at the body of the girl lying on the floor. But, there was no mistake. Livewire was dead, killed by her hands. As she was placed back into her cuffs and lead to the exits, she saw Martin from the sidelines. He too was in tears. "Martin! I'm sorry! Please, Forgive me!" Caitlin mouthed to him over the roaring crowd, though she was taken from the ring and escorted back to her cell, once again she was alone.

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