Chapter 13

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Astrid removed her blindfold to face her opponent. Carmine had told her that he was excited about seeing what she had to offer, yet the commentator had publicly declared her name. If she were to use her mind scream and any obvious mind control in this situation and survive, people would know that she was a meta-human. She could not allow that to happen.

It would permanently alter her public profile, which she was not willing to risk. She would need to rely solely on her self-defense and the ability to read her opponent's thoughts to determine their next move.

She looked at her opponent, a blonde girl with a black mask covering her eyes and a black latex outfit. There was a familiarity about her. Was it possible that they had met before? Astrid probed the girl's thoughts, just as the commentator told them to begin their fight.

Black Canary began the fight with a high pitched scream that rang through Astrid's ears, disorientating her for a brief moment. But before the Canary could make her move, Astrid regained her composure and prepared for her opponent's first physical contact.

The woman ran at her, with two blades ready to strike. Astrid managed to dodge the move just in time. She ducked and swung her leg out, throwing her off guard. Though the girl didn't fall, she swung back, this time slicing Astrid's arm with her blade. Astrid winced in pain and before the girl could land a counter attack, she predicted the next move and grabbed the girl's arms and threw her to the floor, with her foot pressed towards the girl's neck.

She was face to face with her opponent and once again she felt the strong sensation that she knew the woman. "Astrid. Long time no see. You haven't changed a bit." The girl said. "Are you going to kill me?"

Astrid knew in an instant who it was. "Sara?" she gasped. She was still holding Sara by the wrists. She could remove the girl's swords at any moment.

"I can't believe that it's you, either", Sara said, "Though, I can't submit. If one of us doesn't die, they will kill us, themselves!"

Astrid thought back to the words that Barry had mouthed to her. The perfect plan. It was worth a shot. Astrid sent images to Sara's mind. This was her only chance.

She let go of Sara's wrists and removed her foot. Sara knocked her back onto the floor and brought her blade towards her abdomen. Astrid prayed that the attack wouldn't be fatal. She gasped as the sword sunk into her stomach. Her strength draining fast.

As Sara sat over her old friend's body, she removed the blade and then took off her mask and placed her hand on the wound that was bleeding out. "I'm sorry old friend." Sara said. "I had to."

The guards came out to examine Astrid's body. They believed it with every ounce of their entire being that she was dead. "We have a winner!" the commentator shouted to the crowds, "Another win for the Black Canary!"

As Barry stood by the bars overlooking what had happened, he crumbled to his feet. He couldn't believe that he had watched his friend die yet again. There was nothing about it that seemed true. Even as he watched the men lift her up and cart her away, it wouldn't sink in. "Astrid! No!" he yelled amongst the crowd, rattling the cages. He was taken back to the moment where she had sacrificed her life for him back in that alternate reality. How would he explain any of this to their friends? How would they get out of there?

When Barry stood up and turned away, he saw the young girl standing behind him. She seemed to be offering him sympathy. With her hands still cuffed, she gave him a hug, which he accepted.

After a few moments, they were all led back to their individual cells. As Barry was led back to his own cell, he couldn't shake the misery that had overcome him. Everything just seemed so surreal. He had witnessed not once, but twice what seemed like the death of his best friend. Fate was a cruel thing. No... Fate was a cruel man!

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