Chapter 18

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"Drop it, Falcone..." Sara Lance entered the ring with her swords at the ready. "We've defeated your men, and we won't hesitate to do the same with you."

As she stepped towards the man, Batman and the Green Arrow made their way towards them.
Falcone directed his attention on the young child who was still crying. "Hello child... This is your button... do you know what happens if I press it?" he asked her.

"Is he bluffing, Star?" Oliver asked her.

"I don't know... He's wearing something to prevent me from using my powers... or else I would have fried his brain by now!" She replied.

"Well, let's fix that!" Sara said as she prepared her sword. But as she said it, Kara had taken her place in front of the man. "Please! Don't kill him! I can't bear to see it anymore! Just as I have no choice but to fight the lot of you for him." Kara told them. She seemed to be flying at their eye level, which surprised them all.

"Sweetie, we're just trying to protect you." Astrid said, softly.
"You can read minds, right? So please... read mine! I need you all to understand why you can't do it! Why you can't kill him!" the girl said.

Astrid focused her mind. Her head hurt, but she did as she was asked.

She saw fear. Fear of an entire planet. Their world was dying. A baby was sent in a pod to the planet earth, to lead them. To make the world a better place. So that it might never be like their home. This girl before them was sent to protect the baby. The baby was her cousin. As their pods left their planet's atmosphere, they merely escaped the brutal explosion that became of their planet. Their families, their homes, everything entirely wiped out. Every single thing that they had come to know and love, simply vanished, never to be seen again.

These children came in search for not only a new home, but in search for a newfound hope that the people of this new world would not have to witness such destruction, such torment that they had.

As Astrid saw these images in the child's mind, she understood why the child needed to protect this man. The waves of anger and sorrow washed over her.

"Kara, I..." she began, but she couldn't find the right words to say.
Oliver looked at her. "What did you see?" he asked her. Kara waited for her to explain. They could see that the meta-uman fighters were making their way into the ring to act out their vengeance on Carmine.

"She's right," Astrid said as she shook her head sadly, "we can't kill this man. And we can't allow these other guys to kill him either. But he will pay for what he's done... and he will hand over the remote."

Within an instant, Kara had removed the remote from the man's hands. "Wow... she's fast!" Sara commented. "But do we really need to stop all these guys from killing him?" she asked, referring to the angry hostage meta-humans who were circling in on them.

"Sorry, Sara. We're going to have to!" Oliver replied. "Are you ready, Star?"
"As ready as I'll ever be, Barry and Cisco are going to hate that they've missed this! Batman are you with us?" Astrid asked, looking over at the man in the bat suit.

He looked over at the young child. "As long as when this is done... you all get the hell out of my city!"

Suddenly, a figure emerged from the crowd, that Astrid was relieved to see. "Frost!" she said excitedly.
"Hey, I couldn't let you guys have all the fun, could I? But seriously? We're siding with the bad guy this time? Make up your minds!"

Astrid heard Cisco's voice through the communicators. "Alright... So, I'll just be sitting here... with my popcorn and my cameras... watching... all alone, while Diggle and detective Gordon are rounding up GCPD's officers... and you guys are fighting...with the Batman... You guys have all the fun!"

"Sorry, Cisco... there's always next time..." Astrid said.

"Aw... I know you're just trying to make me feel better... but for what it's worth... go kick some ass!"

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