Chapter 19

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While Kara flew Carmine to a cell and locked in him in faster than a speeding bullet, the rest of the group stayed behind to fight off the angry meta-humans.

"So, what's the plan?" Sara called out, as she dodged an incoming fire ball from a woman who seemed to be made entirely of green fire.
"Easy, we don't kill them! They're just angry and out for revenge!" Astrid called back, as she dodged a punch from a man.

His arm stretched longer than any regular human's would, and knocked Oliver in the process, "That's easier said than done, Star! What the hell is with the Rubber man over there?" He exclaimed as he shot an arrow that sunk into the man's stomach and bounced back out again just missing Batman.

"It's why I want them out of my city!" Batman grumbled, as he battled two fighters at once, crippling them both to the ground.

Frost shot an ice blast into the woman that Sara was fighting, freezing the woman of green flame, in place. However, in moments, the ice shattered and the girl burst into a ball of fire again.

"There's just too many of them!" Astrid cried out. There were at least a hundred of them and their powers seemed to be too much. "Where's Kara?" she called out.

"Last I saw she got Carmine out of the way!" Frost said as she tackled another opponent, this one who could turn invisible.
"Don't tell me she high tailed and ran... flew?" Oliver asked, he shot an arrow in the leg of a man who had restrained Batman.

"It's okay! I'm back! It shouldn't be so hard now!" Kara declared as she arrived in the middle of them. "Half of them have their cuffs back on so they can't use their powers anymore!"

"Okay, good!" Astrid said, "Can you get Barry to safety? He should have recovered by now! He doesn't seem to be heal..." The man who seemed to be made of rubber knocked her back, so she focused on the on his mind and used her mind scream, crippling him unconscious.

"Okay! Done! Barry's in the ambulance as we speak... the authorities are here too." Kara said.

"Really? That was fast!" Sara said. They were beginning to get a little overwhelmed.

"Star? Is it just me, or does the ground feel like it's moving?" Oliver called out, struggling to keep balance.

"I don't think it's just you, Robin Hood!" Batman called back. He shot a grappling hook at the roof and continued fighting while hanging from the rope.

They looked over to see an African woman standing amongst the crowd, her palms faced to the ground. She was clearly causing an earth quake.

Oliver shot an arrow at her, as she continued to make the ground shake, she raised one arm and with the other pointed at the arrow, snapping it in midair, without even touching it. "Er... Astrid!" Oliver said, his eyes open wide.

Astrid focused her mind on the woman. It took so much concentration, her head began to feel like it was splitting open, but it started to work. The woman brought her hands to her head and screamed. It was working, but she was fighting it. She made the ground crumble even harder, knocking fighters over, all around them.

Astrid kept focusing, she knelt down on her knees and let out a scream amidst the pain in her head. But it was working, the ground stopped shaking, and Kara and Batman had managed to take down the last of them.

Soon enough GCPD came in and begun dealing with the unconscious bodies. "You might need to restrain them." Caitlin called out. She had taken back control.

"Hey, where did the bat guy go and the man in the hood?" Kara asked, she was standing on solid ground again. The group looked around, both Batman and the Green Arrow had simply disappeared.

Detective Gordon approached Astrid, "We have Carmine in custody, along with his men. You guys have done well..."

"How is Barry?" she asked, realizing that the detective hadn't even met him.

"If you're talking about the guy that a Miss Felicity Smoak has escorted to the hospital, I don't think it looks good. He's in a coma. You should make your way over there as soon as you get a moment." Detective Gordon said sadly.

Astrid looked over at Kara, who was standing with Caitlin, "I will." she replied to the detective, "I'll ask for him to be transferred over as soon as possible...Hey, detective Gordon? That young girl over there... I understand that she would be considered missing, just as most of these other people would be... Would you mind if I return her to her home? I think she has developed a rapport with my friend over there. I don't wish to see her go through anymore trauma than she already has."

"It's a little off unorthodox, but I'm sure we can work something out. Do you intend on staying in Gotham City any longer?"

"No offense but no... We intend on heading home very soon. I'll drop by the hospital now."

"None taken. It was a pleasure to meet you all. We'll be in touch!" Detective Gordon said as he watched her leave.

Oliver Queen found Batman standing on a high roof top overlooking the darkened streets below. "Thanks for all your help tonight." Oliver said.

"I kept up my end of the deal..." Batman replied, not turning to look at him.

"Yeah you did. And I promise we will be gone the moment we get my friend transferred from your hospital... I'm actually here for another reason. It's to do with another friend of mine." Oliver said.

Batman said nothing, so Oliver continued, "My friend Cisco Ramon is convinced that you're Bruce Wayne..."

"...So are a lot of people in this town... it doesn't mean that its true..."

"...But this time it is... At first I thought it was just his imagination, but then I looked into it... he's right."

Batman turned to him, he knew that Oliver had done an extensive search on him, this man was clearly good at his job.

"Bruce," Oliver continued, "You and I are alike in a lot of ways... except for one."

He stared at Oliver, waiting for him to elaborate. "We both cling to the darkness hiding behind a mask and stopping villains... But you're alone, with no one but a butler by your side. While, I have those that I inspire and who inspire me, every day. It's the inspiration that makes a hero, not the fighting crime. You should remember that."

Bruce went to bypass Oliver. It was clear that he had acknowledged Oliver's words.

Before Bruce could leave, he turned back to Oliver, who was now standing staring into the night.
"Cisco Ramon, right?" Bruce asked.

Oliver didn't turn back around, "Cisco Ramon... I think he's your number one fan."

Batman shook his head, shot his grappling hook to the ledge of a building across the street and swung off into the darkness, leaving Oliver alone.

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