Chapter 8

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Bruce Wayne called Astrid, Cisco and John over to his manor with an offer of help.

"So now you offer to help us... now that three more of our friends have been taken!" Astrid said bitterly.

"I'm sorry, but there is still not a lot that I can do, but I was able to contact a friend of mine from GCPD." Bruce said trying to comfort her.

"We've already witnessed just how reliable Gotham city's cops are." Diggle said with sarcasm.

"I understand your reluctance, but I assure you that detective Gordon is a very trusted friend of the Wayne family. Alfred, can you bring him in for me?" Bruce asked of his butler.

"Right away, Master Bruce." Alfred said and he left the room, returning with the detective himself.

Astrid sat down on the lounge, frustrated. She felt as if she were banging her head up against a brick wall. Cisco sat beside her, and John approached the detective and shook his hand.

"Hi, my name is Detective James Gordon. Mr Wayne has already informed me of the predicament that your friends are in. Would the three of you mind telling me your side of the story?" Detective Gordon asked them, as he sat across from Astrid, Cisco and Diggle on the lounges.

"Alfred and I will give you all some space." Bruce said as he excused himself and his butler.

"My friends and I were only just at GCPD this morning when the two of them went missing, so you can understand why I'm a little hesitant to trust someone who..." John began.

"...who works for that same precinct. I understand. Do you have any idea why your friends may have been taken?" Gordon asked. He stared at Astrid, he knew that they were keeping some sort of secret.

Astrid stared at the floor, as she read the detective's mind. He was indeed genuine to his word and he had certainly seen a lot and dealt with a lot of crime in Gotham City... but meta-humans, that would be an entirely separate situation all together. But she knew that in order to rescue her friends, they would need to be honest.

"My friends and I... well, we have certain... capabilities..." she said choosing her words wisely. Cisco gave her a look of surprise. He was not expecting her to be this honest, so soon.

"...Capabilities, Miss Sutherland?" Detective Gordon repeated.

"My friends can do certain things that makes them special... Ronnie Raymond and Martin Stein... they were responsible for a project that they called FIRESTORM, which merges the DNA of two separate beings and creates one ultimate being..."

Detective Gordon finished, "I heard about that, they held a university lecture and a series of press conferences throughout the city. I see, and your other friends?"

"DR Snow has this ability to turn into someone else entirely who can create projectiles of ice with her very hands."

"I can imagine that that might be related to the meteor shower that happened earlier this year... I've seen people with interesting abilities to say the least..." Det. Gordon replied truthfully. "Do you have any information that we might be able to go on? Or any leads?"

Cisco thought back to the Flash's meeting with the Batman, "the name Falcone might have come up... Our friend met Batman and he gave the name."

"Your friend met the Batman?" Det. Gordon asked him, with a surprised look on his face.

Cisco nodded. "Would you mind excusing me, so I can speak with Mr Wayne for a moment?"

Detective Gordon made his way out of the room and into the hall where Bruce and Alfred were waiting.

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