Chapter 11

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Martin was brought cuffed to a room filled with people who were also wearing wrist restraints. Then the man closed the door behind him, locking him inside. "Hey! Let me out!" Martin called out but the door didnt open.

He looked around at the room of hostages. This room that he was in was some sort of day room with windows that allowed the light to come through. Alas, he saw a familiar face sitting with her back against the wall. He walked towards her, "Miss Smoak. It is so good to see another familiar face, despite our circumstances. But, where are we?" He asked as he sat down beside her.

"I'm guessing that we're in a room out of the way. None of us have any special powers so they see us as useless. But wait, what are you doing here?" she asked him puzzled.

"It seems, my dear, that I have joined the ranks of being useless to them." Martin told her sadly.

"No, you'd never be considered useless... but wouldn't Ronnie be with..." Felicity stopped speaking as she realized just what Martin was afraid to admit. The two of them sat quietly amidst the room of people who were just happy to be alive.

"I found Caitlin." DR Stein admitted after a while. "They made her bring out Frost, with what they had done to Ronnie. I need to ask, if you're here and she is here... where are the rest of our groups?"

"Barry and I were kidnapped... I'm just hoping that the rest of them are still safe." Felicity said.

"Wait! Barry is here?" Martin said in shock, "Of course he is... Well, my dear, let's just pray that the rest of them will come up with some sort of strategy to rescue us. Which I know they will. I have faith in them all!"

Felicity wished that she had held the professor's enthusiasm. Instead, the tears rolled down her cheeks freely and she rested her head on his shoulder, sobbing quietly.

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