Chapter 20

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That night, Barry was transferred to STAR Labs on the 97th floor, in Central City and after a few hours, Team Flash and Team Arrow, along with Martin, Sara Lance and Kara were gathered there too.

After having everyone's disabled chips removed, Caitlin offered to take Kara back to her house to get a good night sleep before they found her family, the next day. It had been noticed just how well Caitlin was holding up, after the death of Ronnie.

Martin had gone home to his wife for the night. Sara Lance had passed out on the spare bed in Caitlin's medical bay, while Oliver, Astrid, Diggle and Cisco sat at the computer desk watching the on call doctors monitor Barry's vitals. Felicity sat by Barry's bedside.

"It's getting late," Oliver said to Astrid. "I should probably get Felicity and Diggle back to Star City."

"That's if Felicity will allow you to move her," Cisco commented, noting Felicity's bedside manner to the unconscious speedster.

As Astrid and Oliver registered just what he was referring to, Diggle cleared his throat. "I should have probably mentioned sooner... them two might have had a moment." he admitted.

"A moment?" Oliver asked, leading Diggle away for a full interrogation. "What do you mean a moment?"

"Barry and Felicity, huh?" Cisco said with a smile.

"Yep, Barry and Felicity... and I'm sure that Barry's going to be fine. It's Barry. Just watch, he'll sleep it off and he'll be saving the city in the morning." Astrid replied.

"Yep... that's our Barry! I still can't believe that you guys fought with Batman... I'm pretty jealous right now." He told her with a tone that sounded a little hurt, but very excited for his friends.

"Yeah, I know. But I promise, I'll make it up to you. But right now, I'm tired... I'm heading home."

She headed towards the elevator doors, leaving Cisco sitting at his computer wondering if their time in Gotham City had just been a one-time only thing.

As Astrid pressed the button to call the lift, she called out to him. "are you coming, Cisco?"

As he realized just what she had meant, a large smile lit up his face. He jumped to his feet and followed her in an excited hurry.

As Barry lay in his coma, he saw intense images of the past, the present, the alternate dimension and what he felt was his future. His mind was travelling faster than his body could keep up. He couldn't make sense of what he was seeing, where he was or even how to return home. He needed his friends. Though as he screamed out in his mind, it was clear that none of them could hear him.

Barry was stuck!

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