Chapter 5 - Enroute Club Liquid

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It had been a week since Erica and Cyn had met. It was hard for both of them as they were so used to each other’s company. Erica was doing the right thing and giving Cyn the space that she had asked for, but she was desperate to talk to her. Erica didn’t want to come across too keen, so she made sure she avoided texting and calling her, but every second of the day she was so tempted to do so. Erica was doing a PR launch for her new book in New York on Saturday, she was allowing fans to meet her and buy her book. She was staying focused on this event and trying her best not to think about Cyn, plus it was a Friday night and she wanted to turn up. Whilst getting ready, her make-up artist began asking questions.

Roxie: “So what’s the tea baby girl?” She asked, whilst applying some powder to Erica’s face.

Erica: “What do you mean?” Of course Erica knew exactly what tea she wanted to know about but she continued to act confused and unsure of what she meant.

Roxie looked at Erica and laughed. “You know what I mean, Cyn? I haven’t seen you with her for a little while?!”

Erica rolled her eyes. She thought to herself ‘why is everyone always concerned about me and Cyn’. Nonetheless Roxie was her make-up artist from way back, so she began to break it down for her.

Erica: “Where do I begin ay?”

Roxie: “Where ever you want babe? To be honest if it’s personal you haven’t got to tell me you know!” Roxie smiled at Erica.

Erica: “I know that! Well… I guess after love and hip hop and my foolish mistake with Rich, she felt some way. I understand that but I thought she would have been over it by now, if I’m honest.”

Roxie: “Oh dear Ericaaa!!!! You gotta put yourself in her shoes and think if that was you, how would you feel?”

Erica: “I try to but I think I would have lost it by now. It’s been a while now, I’m just hoping she will come back soon. If I’m honest with you Roxie, I really wanna smash. You don’t understand how sexy she was looking last week” Erica smirked and had a quick flashback of all the sexual things she would do to Cyn.

Roxie began to laugh as she put down the powder brush and began applying lipstick to Erica’s lips. “All your good for is to fuck and make money, I ain’t mad at you, Cyn will come back eventually we both know this”

Erica: “It’s all about money honey…” Erica stopped mid-way in her sentence because her phone flashed to alert her that she had a message. When she looked at the phone, it was a message from Cyn. She couldn’t believe it, she was literally in shock that she paused for second.

Erica: “It’s a message from Cyn!” You could hear the excitement in Erica’s voice that she was so happy to have gotten a message from Cyn. She hadn’t even read it yet but regardless whether it was bad or good Erica was just happy that her baby had texted her.

Roxie: “Her ears must have been burning then” Roxie stated with a concerned look on her face. She was hoping for Erica’s sake that the message was something that she wanted to hear.

Erica stopped all anticipation and opened the message and it read:

‘Erica, I hope everything is ok with you. Good luck with your launch tomorrow, I know we are not really on the best of terms, but I just wanted you to know I still care and that I wish you the best with the book launch. Let me know how it goes and I’ll speak to you soon.’

Erica’s face lit up, she was eager to text back straight away but she thought to herself, Cyn wanted the space and distance, so that is what she would give her. Erica was ecstatic to know that Cyn still cared for her and even went out of her way to text her about her launch because honestly she didn’t have to. Knowing that she had heard from Cyn, Erica was sure to make sure she had a good time because for the first time all week she was actually happy.

Club Liquid – New York

Erica made her grand appearance at Club Liquid. She was wearing a red dress which wasn’t as revealing as her usual outfits. She was going for a more sophisticated look tonight which went down well with the fans as they constantly fed her comments. As much as Erica wanted to enjoy the night she kept wondering what Cyn was doing. She hadn’t posted any photos or tweeted anything that would indicate her whereabouts. Yes, Erica did stalk Cyn’s Twitter and Instagram but it’s only because she missed her so much and wanted to keep tabs on her. There are desperate people in the world which would take advantage of the opportunity because they were on a break and Erica had to keep tabs. Nonetheless, there was nothing for Erica to work with and so she decided to put her phone on silent and get on with the night.

 It was that time of the night where Erica was beginning to be miserable but she continued to put on a brave face, until she was offered some patron. Her mood completely changed. Who knew having shots of patron would make Erica smile again. She made shout outs to her fan and began taking shot after shot. Diamond the rapper came over to Erica’s table. She came over and gave Erica a hug. They began taking more shots and the night became so much more enjoyable now that Diamond was here. They began screaming ‘TURN DOWN FOR WHAT’ at each other and the night went like a blur for Erica. After all the dancing and running around, the night was over and it was time to have a quick nap and get ready for tomorrow.

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